Indian investment and Dominica’s Economic Expansion are made for each other

Indian investment in Dominica

Indian investment in Dominica: The race to finish the Financial year 22-23 on a higher note has officially begun in Dominica. And so, Dominica is no different from other Caribbean countries in trying to present their best results in the most recent quarter.

The island of Dominica continues to be a top vacation spot for a variety of reasons, but it is also regarded as one of the leading investment opportunities for savvy investors. The country is receiving the Indian economic stimulus this year.

Indian investors are eager to develop investment opportunities across the year in Dominica. In addition, the Dominica’s economic growth also appears promising. Could this be a match made in heaven?

According to a media report by the Globalnewswire, rising numbers of Indians are investing in Dominican real estate. Reportedly, over the last decade, high-net-worth individuals are said to have increased exponentially in India. Indian are witnessing a rapid rise in its wealthy population as the economy expands and more investment opportunities in Dominica become available.

Many wealthy Indians are looking to purchase luxury homes abroad. Luxury homes, resorts, and privately owned properties in island nations. These purchases are often seen as a symbol of success and are becoming increasingly popular, especially among millennials. And honestly, Dominica here can fit the job for Indians.

The investment hub: Dominica

Over the last few years, For Indian investor Dominica has emerged as a popular investment destination for investors. Well, beautiful beaches and tourist destinations are well-known, but the island is also home to some of the best investment opportunities.

Dominica offers its investors a Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme. With this option, investors can make a substantial contribution to the country’s Economic Diversification Fund (EDF), a government fund that supports socio-economic initiatives in Dominica.

Investors also opt to invest in real estate, and applicants to the CBI programme are required to purchase a government-approved property which must be held for a minimum of three years.

In addition, Dominica is also pressing for economic expansion as it seeks diversification in its too much dependent economy. Recently, negotiations are underway for the construction of the 10-MW geothermal power plant in the island nation of Dominica as the country seeks self-dependency in energy.

Dominica has been attracting investors through its pro-business policies which are helping it to become one of the most competitive destinations in the Caribbean region.

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The Indian booster

The rising Indian wealth can undoubtedly boost the ambitions of Dominica as more and more HNWIs seeks to expand their foothold in island nations.

Indians own, on average, 5.1 residential properties, compared to the global average of 4.2 units, according to research by Knight Frank. This stark difference should be considered when comparing real estate investments made in India and abroad.

It was also mentioned in this study that Indian UHNWIs devote about 37% of their wealth to primary and secondary residences. The remaining fifteen percent is invested in homes located abroad. Also, 2% of India’s millionaires – or approximately 5,000 high net-worth individuals – flocked overseas in 2020 alone.

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Dominica is also a fantastic opportunity for someone to benefit from dual citizenship. Dominica is emerging as a unique location for Indian investors thanks to opportunities and greener pastures. Wealthy Indian millennials are eager to invest in Dominica is therefore not surprising.

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