The new government of Moldova is shivering in fear because it is well aware of its future. So, it chose to mask it with the fear of a coup. Recently, Moldova saw the fall of its sitting government which simply proved to be incapable of tackling issues of rising fuel prices, energy crisis and inflation. Rather than prioritizing its national interest, the government chose to side with Ukraine, leading to large-scale protests which manifested in the fall of the government.
The new government is no better than the former, incompetence personified. It has learnt the art of mastering fear-mongering during wartime. The small country of Moldova is a nation that is constantly in turmoil, with protests, unrest, and general civil awakenings becoming a seemingly inevitable part of its history.
Read More: Can’t Cook a Different Ukraine Policy: New Moldovan PM Stuck in a Rut

Recently, the government of Moldova has become increasingly unstable, believing that a coup is imminent. In an effort to deflect blame from themselves, Moldova has begun to blame their neighbour, Russia, for any potential coups.
Moldova government has accused Russia of plotting and attempting to overthrow its government.
Moldova has presented no evidence to support its claims that Russia is trying to dethrone the government, but this has not stopped them from launching a campaign of fear about Russia. This campaign of fear has only served to further destabilize the already fragile government of Moldova.
With no end to their civil unrest in sight, Moldova is becoming increasingly desperate to find someone to blame for their woes. Unfortunately, the only thing that is certain is that the people of Moldova will be the ones to suffer the consequences of their government’s actions.