“National Divorce” is actually the Balkanization of USA!

National divorce USA: The only way to advance and improve as an individual is to leave the past behind and start over. However, it seems that the United States of America and its stupid politicians have taken these words too literally.

The United States of America was formed through a rich historic process that spanned centuries. The story of the country’s formation is one of the struggles, triumphs, and compromises that have shaped the nation we know today. In the 17th century, European colonizers began to settle on what is now known as the eastern coast of the country. Over the next century, the colonies grew in size and number as more and more Europeans arrived in search of land and opportunity. As the colonists resented the oppressive rule of the British monarchy, relations between the colonies and the British government became increasingly tense.

(Source: The Economic Times)

When a group of colonists, led by figures such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, decided to rebel against British rule in the late 18th century, this tension finally reached a boiling point. During the American Revolution, which took place in the colonies from 1775 to 1783, the colonists banded together to fight for their freedom from British rule. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the British finally acknowledged the United States’ independence after a protracted and bloody war.

With independence won, the US got its first President, the revolutionary George Washington. He and his new federal government faced a number of challenges in its early years, including the need to establish a strong economy and expand westward. The United States was able to overcome these obstacles and establish itself as a major world power through fearless leadership, ground-breaking policies, and sheer fighting spirit. The country was cherished in the 20th century for its form of capitalism.

The United States’ rise to one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world cannot be solely attributed to capitalism. While capitalism has played a significant role in the country’s economic growth and success, there have been numerous other factors, including technological advancements, military power, and diplomatic relationships. The country’s formation was indeed a protracted and challenging process, but it ultimately succeeded, allowing it to develop into the great country it is today.  However, American politics in the twenty-first century have indeed taken a terrible, abrupt, and unwanted turn.

The national divorce

Despite the ideological and policy differences, both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party never abandoned the soul of ‘Capitalism’ and a free business environment. But now, the situation has fallen to such an extent that the call for divisions within GOP and democrat-ruled states has also emerged.

Representative. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is just a wolf in a sheep’s skin, made a comment by recommending a “national divorce” that would split the nation into red and blue states.

(Source: Atlanta News)

When she tweeted, “We must divide the country into red and blue states (National divorce) and reduce the size of the federal government. She caused a commotion. This tweet took the whole US by storm, with some republicans bashing her for such remarks and surprisingly several liberals promoting the cause.

But, what exactly does Taylor mean in her tweet? Essentially, her tweet focused on cutting GOP-ruled states from Democrat-ruled states, both economically and legally.

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This means, GOP states would have a Schengen-like travel allowance, while Democrats would have their own Schengen-like travel rules. The states could have their own military and administrative control independent of the White House. After her initial comments sparked controversy, Taylor clarified in subsequent tweets that she did not advocate for a new civil war or the formation of two separate nations. Instead, she called for a significant devolution of federal power, allowing states to govern domestic policies while maintaining a shared national defense.

Despite these clarifications, the impact of her original comments cannot be undone, and they continue to fuel ongoing political debates that have become a regular topic in newsrooms throughout the United States. In recent years, a vocal sect of political pundits has been “predicting” that another civil war is on the horizon for the USA because of the country’s deep political divides.

The political divide

The USA of 2023 is more divided than ever thereby worsening the social trends of the last 15 years. The extent of political polarization among Americans is remarkably high, with 90% acknowledging strong or very strong conflicts between backers of different political parties.

In contrast to the countries surveyed by Pew, the average level of perceived intense political conflict was only 50%. Now the question arises of how the US landed up in such a big mess. While the liberal pundits in the US might pass the buck on Trump for the crisis, the rot actually started during the times of the Obama administration. According to a CNN/ORC poll, the majority of Americans believe that President Barack Obama made things worse between blacks and whites in the country.

(Source: The Hill)

During the Obama administration, significant strides were made in advancing the rights of the so-called marginalized groups, particularly in the areas of gender identity and race. The administration issued guidelines and policies that recognized transgender individuals’ right to access public facilities based on their gender identity and supported efforts to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. Additionally, Obama promoted racialism in areas such as criminal justice and education and implemented initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in federal agencies. As a result, the United States of America saw a regime change in the form of Trump coming to power.

(Source: Mint)

After coming to power, Trump began eating into the legacy of the democrats further widening the political rift between the Democrats and the Republicans. In 2020, the Joe Biden administration came to power, and polarization among American voters widened. The Democrat’s specially sponsored “squad” also played a very important role in this divide with leaders like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib taking the charge of pushing a non-sensical and stupid agenda.

(Source: The White House)

Now, America is a nation where people are calling for gender-neutral ‘Bathrooms’ and Mayors like Lori Lightfoot avoiding questions from ‘White Journalists’. This is the divide where America is standing today. In a sane-minded nation, such stupid politicians would have been barred from running even in school elections, here, these idiots now have the power to bring down the President and eventually, the USA.

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The shift of the world from Conservatism to Liberalism and Liberalism to Conservatism is oscillatory. Societies alternately experience liberal and conservative eras. Factors like economic cycles, social unrest, wars, and other significant events, cause the eras to swing from liberalism to conservatism.

The United States, a great nation that has existed for more than 250 years, has reached the point where a significant shift is about to occur. Thus, predictions of a civil war, a national divorce, and impending unrest are becoming more widespread. Moving forward, the ‘Balkanization’ of the United States could be an event that the world may witness in the coming days.

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