Under a prime minister with a sharp tongue and even stronger prejudices, some soldiers of the Canadian army may find life challenging while others may continue to bask in the glow of favouritism. The country’s military is now moving forward with a new “anti-racist” strategy. This strategy is based on the ideas of critical race theory and white privilege.
What is a country‘s military responsible for? The military, like a steadfast sentinel, stands guard over the nation, ever-vigilant in its duty to protect and serve the nation. Its presence commands respect and inspires a sense of security, like a sturdy shield against the forces of chaos and uncertainty. But nowadays, Canada’s military rather stands for either spying on Canadians’ personal life or creating a divide between racists and anti-racists.
Anyone who believes in “equality but not equity” or who “refuses to engage in self-reflection and education to confront their own allegedly racist attitudes” is now considered to be racist according to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
As reported by True North, according to the Department of National Defence’s (DND) Director “Anti-Racism Toolkit” is meant to be taught to serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces.
According to the CAF, “people who are racist deny the existence of unconscious bias and refuse to engage in self-reflection and education to address their own biases and racist beliefs.” They also do not believe in the equality of all persons or believe in equality but not equity.
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In a separate “anti-racist lexicon” intended to help CAF members, a variety of far-left terms are mentioned, including “critical race theory,” “white fragility,” and the notion that colourblindness is a type of racism.
“Colour-blindness or colour evasion is the insistence that one does not notice or see skin colour or race that can foster the systematic denial of racial subordination and the psychological repression of an individual’s recognition of that subordination, thereby allowing such subordination to continue,” writes the CAF.
The CAF explains to members what the contentious practise of “critical race theory” entails: “The core idea is that race is a social construct and that racism is not only the result of individual bias or prejudice but also something embedded in legal systems and structures and perpetuates racial inequities.”
Instilling the ideas of “white privilege” and “white fragility” in its members is another goal of the CAF. These terms refer to the “state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable [for white people], triggering a range of defensive moves.”
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The Canadian military is creating a divide in the country’s military between racists and anti-racists which can severely hamper the functioning of the military force. Such a divide can create a toxic environment of distrust, animosity, and conflict, which can affect the military’s ability to work cohesively as a team. If soldiers are divided along racial lines, it can lead to resentment, discrimination, and even violence. This can erode the trust and respect soldiers have for one another, which is essential for effective communication, coordination, and cooperation on the battlefield. Ultimately, a divided military cannot function optimally and may fail in its primary duty to defend the nation’s interests.
With its disciplined ranks and unwavering loyalty, the military serves as a bulwark against external threats and internal turmoil, ensuring the stability and sovereignty of the nation but Trudeau just got its country’s military embroiled in a game of racism.