US flips migration laws to target Nicaragua

Migration laws US: The US has been attempting to destabilize Nicaragua for some time now, but the nation has courageously stood up to its hysterical threats. As a matter of fact, the Nicaraguan government took a bold step against US-backed traitors in the country, who were involved in terrorist activities against the state, by revoking their citizenship and deporting them to the US.

Despite attaining 72% of the votes in the elections, the West has spread lies against the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, claiming that he is a dictator who represses political dissent and represses democratic institutions.

The US has also employed several manipulative means to paint the Nicaragua government in a bad light, and one of them is migration. The US has relaxed its immigration laws to allow Nicaraguan migrants into its territory, using them as political pawns against Ortega.

Through this, the US has tried to misinform the world by falsely claiming that Ortega is an evil man who commits atrocities against his own people, forcing them to flee the country.

Source: Atalayar

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However, the facts speak for themselves, Nicaragua’s economy has grown significantly under Ortega’s rule, reducing poverty and boosting the living standards of the people. Also the migration rate from Nicaragua to the US is significantly low as compared to other South American countries. So, the argument of the US that a large number of Nicaraguans are fleeing the country and going to Washington is an outright lie.

Therefore, the US’s treatment of Nicaragua is a clear indication of its sinister intent in Latin America and has raised alarm bells among those nations which have defied its diktats. The US is trying to create a negative image of Nicaragua and its president, by exploiting vulnerable migrants and manipulating the facts to suit its own interest.

Source: TIME

Washington’s cynical manipulation of the migration issue to further its malicious ploy is a clear indication of its hypocrisy when it comes to human rights and emphasizes its dangerous geopolitical ambitions which center around inciting political instability and disregarding sovereignty of other nations.

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