Summit of Democracy: Biden Humiliates Turkey and Hungary in the most childish way

Summit of Democracy

(Source: Republic world)

President Biden’s decision to exclude Hungary and Turkey from the ‘Summit of Democracy’ due to their lack of support for NATO’s expansion has been a very hot topic of discussion off lately. Internationally it is being seen  as a childish move, akin to playground rules, and believes that Biden is overestimating the power of exclusion as a way to force the two countries to fall in line with the rest of the democratic nations.

However, it’s important to note that the decision to exclude these countries is not based solely on a whim or a desire to be popular. NATO is a crucial alliance that has played a vital role in maintaining peace and stability in Europe for over 70 years. As such, it’s important for all member countries to support its expansion and goals.

Moreover, both Hungary and Turkey have been moving towards alleged to be authoritarian forms of government in recent years, which is at odds with the supposed principles of democracy that the summit seeks to promote. It’s therefore understandable that President Biden would not want to extend an invitation to leaders who do not share the same values as the other participants.

Summit of Democracy 2023 (Source:

It’s also worth noting that the Summit of Democracy is not meant to be an exclusive club, but rather a gathering of like-minded nations that are committed to upholding democratic values. It’s not about being cool or popular, but about standing up for what is right and working together towards a common goal.

In the end, while it’s understandable that some may see the exclusion of Hungary and Turkey as a harsh move, it’s important to remember that democracy is not just about holding elections, but also about upholding the rule of law, protecting human rights, and promoting the common good. The Summit of Democracy serves as a reminder that these values are worth fighting for, even if it means making tough decisions.

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