France is burning and Paris is falling. The nation is currently engulfed in chaos, with the streets of Paris trembling under the weight of violent protests and widespread unrest. This tumultuous situation was sparked by the tragic shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old boy, by a police officer.
What started as a tragic incident quickly escalated into a storm of violence that spread like wildfire across more than a dozen French cities. Buildings were set ablaze, cars were torched, and police stations became targets of vandalism, creating a state of fear and uncertainty.
Ironically, the very individuals wreaking havoc on the streets are the same migrants who were once welcomed with open arms by France. The situation now unfolding is a clear case of reaping what you sow. However, French President Emmanuel Macron seems to lack the courage to acknowledge the root cause of the problem: the presence of Islamists within the country.
Instead of addressing this critical issue, he chooses to attribute the unrest to video games. A move that can only be described as absurd and detached from reality. But amidst the chaos and France’s questionable approach, there are countries that take a starkly different stance.
Hungary’s Release of Smugglers
Hungary, often labeled as an “authoritarian state,” has implemented a strong and decisive approach when dealing with Islamists. In a recent turn of events, Hungary released over 800 people smugglers from jail and ordered them to leave the country, following a standoff with the European Union over a migration bill.
This mass release of foreign smugglers has raised concerns among law enforcement agencies and charities. Even neighboring Austria has felt compelled to tighten its border security in response. While it is true that in theory these smugglers are supposed to return to their home countries, experts argue that tracking their movements is practically impossible.

Many are likely to return to their criminal ways, further strengthening smuggling operations across the Balkans. However, there’s a more dramatic possibility at play in Hungary.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, known for his strong stance on immigration and the preservation of Hungary’s Christian identity, has given these smugglers an ultimatum: leave the country within 72 hours of their release or face dire consequences. It is widely believed that Hungary wants these miscreants to meet their end in unfavorable circumstances.
Orbán has consistently taken a tough stance on immigration and unrest, as evident in the recent standoff with the EU over migration. Hungary made efforts to block laws that aimed to redistribute migrants across the EU, and their attempt to send asylum seekers to Serbia and Ukraine for processing was deemed unlawful by the EU court.
Now, with the release of these smugglers, Orbán is determined to ensure their swift departure from the nation at any cost. Whether they choose to return to their home countries or seek refuge elsewhere, Hungary remains resolute in maintaining its safety and security.
Read More: Three Days in France are Going to re-write the Next 30 Years of Europe
Doesn’t the contrasting approaches of France and Hungary in dealing with Islamists paint a vivid picture of two divergent paths? While France struggles to contain the chaos fueled by their lenient policies, Hungary takes a hardline stance to safeguard its citizens and preserve its identity.
The consequences of dealing with Islamists are far from predictable, but one thing remains clear: Hungary’s determination to safeguard its culture remains resolute.
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