Obama is back and Biden isn’t liking it!

During this chaos, Biden avoided the press for nine days, eventually stating that the protests would not influence his policy. However, the damage was already done, casting doubt on his commitment to Israel. A former Trump administration official commented, “By forcing Biden into this dilemma, these outside forces are effectively undermining him, despite possibly viewing themselves as advocates for anti-Israel policies.”

Tablet identified several organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, financially backed by entities such as the WESPAC Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which support the protests. The WESPAC Foundation and Within Our Lifetime (WOL), an anti-Israel group, have received significant donations from the Tides Foundation, a major progressive dark money group. Tides is involved with groups like the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), which organized an illegal blockade of the Port of Tacoma and an anti-Israel walkout of high school students in San Francisco.

Former Obama administration officials are deeply involved in these organizations. Dylan Orr, a Tides board member, worked in the Department of Labor under Obama. Cheryl Alston, another board member, was appointed to the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation by Obama. Suzanne Nossel, former secretary of the Tides board, was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Obama.

Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies noted the unification of Clinton and Obama Democrats, particularly during the Trump years, in defending Obama’s foreign policy, which favored Iran and undermined Israel. Obama’s legacy of leveraging power to reshape societies persists, with his former allies pushing policies that challenge the current administration’s stance on critical issues.
Tim Wang, a Tides board member, is a managing partner at Westley Group, founded by Obama’s former California co-chair. Lori Chatman, another Tides board member, is president of Enterprise Community Partners, led by Obama’s former HUD Secretary. These connections underscore Tides’ significant role in funding protests, reflecting Obama’s continued influence within the Democratic Party.

Following Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, tensions between Obama and Biden regarding Middle East policy resurfaced. Obama’s approach, characterized by attempts at détente with Iran, often clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance. In contrast, Biden has tried to adopt a more pro-Israel policy, though his relationship with Netanyahu has been strained. Despite this, Biden has privately touted his strong pro-Israel stance compared to Obama, recalling instances where he felt vindicated in his supportive approach towards Israel.

Reports also indicate Obama breaking with Biden on Israel, with Obama-aligned figures actively working to reshape the Democratic Party’s stance on Israel. Gabriel Noronha, executive director of Polaris National Security, suggests that these forces are willing to risk losing an election to enforce long-term party discipline and push an anti-Israel agenda. This strategy, supported by influential figures like George Soros, aims to fundamentally alter the party’s future direction.

As the conflict in Gaza escalates, prominent Obama staffers have become increasingly vocal, using social media to criticize Biden’s pro-Israel policies. Jon Favreau, former assistant to Obama and director of speechwriting, openly criticized Biden for not leveraging U.S. influence to stop the Israeli Defense Forces from what he describes as killing and starving innocent people. Favreau’s comments reflect a broader sentiment among Obama’s circle, showing a clear divide within the Democratic Party over Israel policy.
Obama’s enduring influence on the Democratic Party is evident, using his legacy and connections to push policies that alter societal norms and international stances. This ongoing manipulation threatens to redefine party ideologies, leaving a profound impact on both domestic and foreign policies.

Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser and speechwriter, lambasted Biden’s stance on Israel via social media. He criticized the U.S. for continuing to supply Israel with bombs and ammunition, arguing that without substantial consequences, U.S. actions are meaningless. He pointed out that Netanyahu is indifferent to U.S. rhetoric, caring only about actions.

Foreign policy experts have noted that many of Biden’s key advisors are former Obama staffers. These individuals, including Jake Sullivan, Brett McGurk, Bill Burns, and Antony Blinken, played significant roles in shaping Obama’s Middle East policies, particularly the Iran nuclear deal. Their influence suggests a continuation of Obama-era strategies under Biden.

Despite the White House’s assertion of an “ironclad” relationship with Israel, Biden has drawn a red line regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. In a CNN interview, he stated that if Israel invades Rafah, where over a million Palestinians are sheltered, the U.S. will withhold aid. This stance, coupled with delayed shipments to Israel, indicates the Obama faction’s growing influence within the administration.

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