Dear Biden: Just Go Home and Rest

President Joe Biden, a sprightly 81-year-old, recently found himself in the spotlight for his performance in a heated debate with former President Donald Trump. The result? Democrats everywhere are questioning their life choices. This debate touted as a historic showdown, featured two titans of American politics slugging it out on live TV, but without the usual fanfare of a live sitting audience. Can you imagine the embarrassment for Biden if people were watching him?

CNN, in a stroke of genius, decided to mute the candidates’ microphones when they weren’t supposed to be talking. This move was, allegedly, to prevent Trump from steamrolling over Biden’s every word. Because, let’s face it, Biden’s train of thought sometimes derails faster than a toddler with a sugar rush.

Forget about the customary handshake or polite exchange of pleasantries between the two candidates; these two went straight for the jugular. Biden called Trump a “loser” and a “whiner,” while Trump countered with “disaster” and pointed fingers at Biden’s policy blunders from Ukraine to the border crisis.

The debate wasn’t all serious policy talk; it also featured an epic battle of egos over who’s better at golf. Spoiler alert: Biden didn’t fare well. He even tried to dig into Trump’s personal life, but let’s just say it didn’t quite land. Biden’s performance? Well, his voice was hoarse, his delivery hesitant, and his coherence level? Questionable at best.

Observers noted Biden’s struggles, with speculation swirling about whether he’s relying on drugs rather than just his wit and charm to keep up appearances. Clips of Biden nodding off, stumbling during walks, and fumbling through public appearances have left many wondering if the president needs a nap more than another term in office.

Trump, on the other hand, brought his usual bombastic energy to the stage. He didn’t hold back, criticizing Biden’s record on everything from the economy to foreign policy with the precision of a seasoned campaigner. It’s no wonder his supporters left the debate feeling energized.

Post-debate, CNN reported a palpable sense of panic within the Democratic Party. Concerns over Biden’s performance echoed through the halls of strategy meetings and fundraising calls. Even Vice President Kamala Harris, while trying to calm nerves, couldn’t deny Biden’s rocky start.

Some within the party openly questioned Biden’s viability as the nominee, citing his age and the pressures of a gruelling campaign. If your own party’s losing faith, Joe, it might be time to consider a quieter retirement.

As the campaign continues, Biden faces an uphill battle to prove he’s still got what it takes. His strategy will likely focus on addressing concerns about his age and reinforcing his policy strengths, hoping to regain lost ground in the polls and public perception.

Meanwhile, Trump’s strategy remains clear: to focus on the social, political and economic welfare of the country. Love him or hate him, Trump’s ability to command attention and deliver his message hasn’t waned, leaving Democrats with a formidable opponent. As Trump secured 67% votes today becoming US’s favorite.

In the end, this debate wasn’t just about policies or personalities; it underscored the deep divisions within American politics. With voter turnout and undecided voters looming large, the stakes couldn’t be higher for both candidates. As the November election draws nearer, one thing’s for certain: Biden’s going to need more than just a good night’s sleep to silence his critics.

Biden’s struggle to keep up with Trump’s aggressive debating style highlighted the concerns many have about his age and capacity to lead. Trump’s jabs at Biden’s record were relentless, and his forceful presence was a stark contrast to Biden’s often halting delivery.

The aftermath of the debate saw Democrats in disarray, grappling with the possibility that their candidate might not be up to the challenge. Biden’s team, while trying to spin a positive narrative, couldn’t entirely mask the growing unease. The party’s faith in Biden is wavering and with good reason.

As Biden soldiers on, trying to convince America he’s still the man for the job, Trump is likely sharpening his attacks, ready to exploit any further missteps. The next few months will be critical for Biden to show he can lead effectively, or the calls for him to step aside will only grow louder.

In summary, the debate exposed the vulnerabilities of Biden who came out worse for wear. His age and ability to govern are now in front and centre, and with Trump not pulling any punches, the road to November looks increasingly rocky for the incumbent president. Biden may need more than just political savvy to convince the nation he’s fit for another term; he might need a miracle.

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