Trump insults Zelensky in his face

Trump roasts Zelensky

“I’m a good friend of Zelensky and you know what, I’m also a good friend of President Vladimir Putin,” Donald Trump said Friday morning as he met with the man with a giant begging bowl. Trump couldn’t be bolder in implying that Zelensky, you are no special! There’s no reason why US should spend billions on your war machinery!

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Trump expressed confidence that he could end the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine “very quickly” if he wins the presidential election.

Now, here again Trump had a veiled message for Zelensky. Last week, Trump in one of his rallied had claimed that the former comedian wants Trump to lose and Kamala Harris to win.
“He wants them to win this election so badly but I would do differently – I will work out peace,” these were Trump’s words.

His message to Zelensky was crystal clear: The war can end only if I become president! With Kamala in charge, she will only work towards oiling the war machinery and prolonging the conflict. He also wanted to warn Zelensky that he might be betting on the losing side.

The meeting was awkward and it had nothing but insults for Zelensky, right from the word go.
Before this meeting happened, Trump ensured Zelensky knew what his place is. On Truth Social, Trump first released a message from Zelensky, where one can see how he is desperate to hold a meeting with Trump.

In his message, a poor Zelensky writes, “You know I always speak with great respect about everything connected to you, and that’s how it should be. I can be in New York on Friday, which would be a good time to meet.”

Then, Trump labelled Zelensky as the greatest salesman in the world while speaking at a rally. Trump said, “I think Zelensky is the greatest salesman in history. Every time he comes into the country, he walks away with 60 billion dollars.”

Trump may sound very harsh sometimes, but that’s the language that Zelensky understands. Trump knows Zelensky holds no respect for the US, its people and its president. Instead, he just treats America as an ATM machine.

Just last week, Zelensky blasted Trump in an interview saying his “feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how”. Zelensky also insulted Trump’s running mate JD Vance by calling him “too radical.”

Zelensky should always, must always show respect towards US, its people and its leaders. He should know where he is coming from and his war-torn nation is literally surviving on US taxpayers’ money. And that’s why when Zelensky started mocking Trump and his running mate, GOP members started snubbing the comedian.

According to a CNN report, GOP members are now declining to meet Zelensky while he is in Washington, DC, while Democrats are embracing the opportunity.

Trump’s peace plan for Ukraine is clear: Ukraine must cede some territory to Russians to prevent more catastrophes. But that’s a red line for Zelensky! But, Trump won’t care about his red lines, he would care about American taxpayers, he would care about American soldiers, he would care about American economy and that’s why, Zelensky desperately wants him to lose the elections.

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