As Bulgaria gears up for its fifth general election in April 2023, the country finds itself in a precarious situation. Amidst the...
The Pro-Russian leadership of the Balkans is now facing a whole new challenge. The Balkan QUAD, what is Balkan QUAD and why...
Estonia is being questioned by its EU allies for overestimating the cost of weapons it is sending to Ukraine. Critics are suggesting...
China is crawling back to North Korea! After ghosting them during the Covid-19 pandemic, China is suddenly interested in reviving its relationship...
Patriot air defense systems : The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has revealed that an air defense system supplied by a European country...
Ukraine western oil companies: As of 2023, the political climate in Ukraine has been tense and fraught with uncertainty. President Volodymyr Zelensky,...
NATO first attempted to take down the President of Russia with petty insults and relentless persecution, but all in vain. Now they...
In recent news, a senior Ukrainian government official has made a startling admission regarding the capabilities of the Su-35 fighter jets. According...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a country located in the Balkans, with a complex political system and a challenging history. Following the...
As tensions between China and Russia continue to mount, it is becoming increasingly clear that the two countries are anything but allies....
Recent decision of Indonesia to phase out the use of Visa and Mastercard has sent shockwaves through the global business community. The...
Whenever the west sees Russia, they develop a cold foot. The allies attempted to throw Russia out of WTO, but they have...