Canadian Automobile industry is being poisoned to slow death!
Vehicle production is plunging across the world as automakers struggle to get their hands on vital computer chips, leading to lengthy downtime at assembly plants and posing ...
Vehicle production is plunging across the world as automakers struggle to get their hands on vital computer chips, leading to lengthy downtime at assembly plants and posing ...
Transnistria Moldova gas deal: Russia is all set to scare the living daylights of Europe out. How? Well, here's shocking news awaiting Europe. Russia is now manoeuvring ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pitches Canada as a global climate leader. But is Canada benefitting from the current government’s tenets? Certainly not. He has been taking ...
Despite the fact that Trudeau only won the last federal election, there are rumours in the ranks that suggest his position at the top might not be ...
PetroCaribe: Dominica is currently experiencing an fuel crisis, its trade minister, Dr Vince Henderson stated that it is due to the weather condition in the country. He ...
It seems that disagreements and disputes are finding their way into the France and EU partnership with each passing day. While the EU not taking any active ...
The US has been digging EU’s grave and Germany has been helping it out. Germany is that mindless stooge of the lot which agrees to toe the ...
UK Military Aid to Ukraine: The UK, the biggest supporter of Ukraine after the US is reconsidering its support for Ukraine. The same country which has given ...
It is not a hidden fact that Haiti’s helpless situation is caused by too much dependency on the US which is responsible for countless war crimes and ...
Even the allies of the US realise that what it is doing with nations like Cuba and Venezeula is unjust and represents the gravest form of violation ...
Germany is heading towards its economic catastrophe. A downturn that’ll wreck the prosperity of the European union. After Covid-19, the Ukraine war has exacerbated the country’s woes. ...
EU tried to kill the truth by making it unavailable to the European people. It tried to fest people with propaganda by distorting and manipulating the facts. ...