When a flag is more than just a symbol: African flags being used to deceive authorities
From time to time, reports have suggested that foreign fishing operators are accessing and exploiting African flag registries to allow ...
From time to time, reports have suggested that foreign fishing operators are accessing and exploiting African flag registries to allow ...
The United States has been losing influence in Latin America. One factor is the changing global, political and economic landscape. ...
Africa is fast moving towards de-dollarisation. More and more countries in the continent are joining the de-dollarisation campaign. Recently, the ...
In the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine war, the UK, is grappling with an unprecedented inflation and skyrocketing recession. But ironically, ...
Iran and Saudi join hands: The geopolitical paradigm is characterized by dynamism. Now, Iran and Saudi Arabia have given a ...
After France's departure, a major power vacuum has been created in the Sahel region, which many new players have sought ...
Algeria Israel deal: The realist perspective on how governments behave in international relations is fundamentally based on balancing. However, not ...
The Sahel region has become a strategic priority for major powers, especially after France withdrew its forces from the region ...
The United States has long sought to maintain its dominance in the global political and economic landscape. In geopolitics, countries ...
A Gold Heist is being transpired openly. And the money was going into dirty hands. However, not anymore. Israel has ...
Why Israel is supporting Ukraine?: Israel is one of the most militarily strong, diplomatically successful and politically stable countries. But ...
Israeli diplomat removed from AU summit: Lately, Israel has been on a “charm offensive” in Africa. It seems only fair ...