Marco Rubio: Political career and Heel controversy

Marco Rubio

File : CNN

Marco Antonio Rubio was born in Miami, Florida, the second and third son of Mario Rubio Reina and Oriales (née Garcia) Rubio, born in Florida to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the United States before Fidel Castro came to power; neither of his parents were US citizens at the time of Rubio’s’ birth and were immigrants from Cuba. Rubio’s’ maternal grandfather, Pedro Victor Garcia, immigrated to the United States legally in 1956, but returned to Cuba in 1959 in search of work. Rubio married Jeanette Dousdeb in 1998, a former bank teller and cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins.

Marco Antonio Rubio political career

Marco Antonio Rubio is an American politician and lawyer currently in office serving as senior- US senator from Florida, a position he has held since 2011. In particular, he responded to President Obama’s call for the country in 2013 by the Republican Party. He began his political career in the late 1990s and was elected in 2000 to the Florida House of Representatives. A member of the Republican Party, he was President of the Florida House of Representatives from 2006 to 2008.

After losing the Florida primaries to Donald Trump; and in April 2015 Rubio announced that he would not be re-elected to the Senate to run for president. He was soon elected city commissioner for West Miami and successfully ran for the Florida House of Representatives the following year. His political career has developed rapidly over the years, and he served as a majority leader in the House of Representatives and speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.

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In 1993, he received his Bachelor of Science in Political Science and also served in the 1996 presidential campaign of the Republican Senator Bob Doles. He also helped implement many of the ideas outlined in the book. Before becoming a speaker, Rubio wrote 100 innovative ideas for Florida’s future based on insights from Florida residents.

Marco Rubio’s Height controversy

The high-heeled shoe controversy that shook Political Media Twitter accounts caught the attention of Florida senator Marco Rubio. However, the question of the rise of US Presidents serves as an interesting little note in American history and is often one of those qualifications we discuss when we study our past commanders in the helm.

Donald J. Trump is the same height as Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Adam Schiff, Marco Rubio, Bob Corker, just to name a few. Jeb Bush of all people managed to flip Rubio’s measurements.

I am convinced that Marco Rubio barefoot in the evening would measure no higher than 58.5. Cruz can’t be taller than Rubio without cowboy boots If. Trump now is 184 cm then according to Marco Rubio he is no more than 173 cm. Rubio would be the shortest president since William McKinley, who was 57 inches tall.

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