Being progressive is one of the foremost pillars of a successful society. However, allowing immigrants in the name of humanity and then tolerating those fringe elements de root local beliefs and cultures is cowardness.
Multiple nations in Asia and Europe have been a subject of brutality at the hands of Islamic invasions. Although, many nations who have had little experience with the matter allow external elements without proper deradicalization to reside in their territories in the name of humanity.
Poison of Radicalization
As Albert Einstein once said, “All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree”.
Faiths and religions are the pillars of human society. However, radicalized individuals are motivated to act against people who have varied belief systems. Thereby promoting violence and destabilizing the situation in a region.
Read More: Sweden begins preparations to deport all Muslims before they commit any crime
Sweden has witnessed several riots in the recent past. A few months ago, over 40 people were arrested in the European country after violent clashes between police and people who were upset by alleged far-right plans to burn copies of the Quran.
Sweden has long carried the tag of a progressive nation where any kind of debate was entertained in the healthiest way possible. But the culture that the country wears with pride is facing a serious threat of extinction. Thanks to migrants and mostly fundamentalists from West Asia.
Protesters, mostly immigrants and Muslims from West Asia and North Africa attacking the police have become an everyday scenario in Sweden. The reason for the protest was mostly trivial like someone debated something that went against the tenants of Islam, or like any guy questioning the claims included in the holy book that Muslims pray.
Ireland Going the Sweden Way
Ireland is one of those progressive nations that wears its lack of security procedure as a crown. The country’s leaders have adopted an unreal view of the world. In the last half-decade, there had been 30 arrests in connection with Islamic radicalism. The number of arrests happening is extravagant in comparison to the situation prior to 2017.

The majority of these arrests, according to the National Police Service of the Republic of Ireland, are connected to inquiries into the financing of terrorism. In certain instances, suspects tried to solicit money from others to provide resources to terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq.
Although the cases in Ireland are much lower than the ones reported in other European nations. There is a need for the local security system to ramp up efforts on the country’s rising Islamic radicalization.
The lack of demand, according to an Irish Prison Service (IPS) spokesman prevents the nation from having a specialized program. He claimed that the organization is collaborating with its European partners and strengthening its understanding of the area. The immigrants need to align themselves with the local populace of the nation that has decided to protect them from bad conditions.
Read More: A serene land once, Sweden now grapples under mental trauma. Thanks to Islamists
Ireland should learn from the mistakes of other nations in Europe and Asia and should speed up its program to tackle any cases in the future. Experts suggest that immigration on a humanitarian basis is a necessary practice, however, the host nation should ensure that their “guests” should abide by the traditions and law of the nation and should be properly “Deradicalized” before allowing entry.