The deteriorating situation in the Korean Peninsula seems to be the scariest among all conflicts around the world. A very aggressive nuclear armed North Korea is a big threat to the stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
But somehow Pyongyang’s neighbor in the South is exactly not helping the situation. Seoul has reportedly teamed up with the United States to present a united front against North Korea. However, the appearances put up by Seoul are not exactly appropriate on a global stage and have as a result fumed the leadership in Pyongyang.
Yoon Suk-yeol – Ready with the Pre-emptive strike
Yoon Suk-yeol, South Korea’s newly inaugurated president, has acted fast to revive a “Kill Chain” tactic toward North Korea in an effort to demonstrate the new anti-North foreign policy of his government. Under this strategy, in the event of an impending nuclear attack, a pre-emptive strike would be launched to assassinate the leadership in Pyongyang.

South Korea is of strategic importance to the US because it serves to keep a check on China’s growing influence in the region. A united Korea would become a major counter to growing Chinese influence in the region and that is why the Trump administration wanted to press for normalization.
Read More: South Korea and Russia join hands to help North Korea break out of China’s trap
Former Republican President Donald Trump initiated the process of harmonizing relations between North and South Korea. He personally met Kim Jong-un thrice, relaxed sanctions, and suspended US-South Korean military drills that served to incite North Korea.
Trump’s approach also led to the adoption of the Panmunjom declaration for peace between the leaders of the two nations Kim Jong Un (North Korea) and Moon Jae-in (South Korea) on 27 April 2018.
Biden Fueling Anti-US developments
The current Democratic administration of the US has developed a very flawed foreign policy. The Biden administration is reportedly pitting Seoul against Pyongyang by increasing its defense stakes in South Korea on the request of the new leadership of Yoon Suk-yeol.

The actions of the Biden administration would only incite the leadership in Pyongyang to take a more aggressive stance and further destabilize the Peninsula. A weakened and divided Korea is good for China as it would face negligible opposition in the region.
It could be said that the foolish Biden government has therefore allowed the rise of Chinese influence in the region.
Yoon Suk-yeol promised to expand on an extended deterrence strategy during a meeting with US President Joe Biden in May. Yoon wants to reestablish the “Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group” (EDSCG) with the US, which aids the two partners in determining how to safeguard the South in the face of provocations from North Korea.
Notably, he also put off the handover of the American military’s Operational Control Authority (OPCON), alleging that the preparations weren’t adequate. The Yoon leadership is going completely against the agenda set by the previous administration.
Last month, Kim Jong-un of North Korea gave the predicted retort, warning that a preemptive strike would only guarantee Seoul’s destruction in return. In addition, Kim warned the South that if a war broke out, he would use nuclear weapons.
Read More: Biden devises an “assassination plot” to derail peace talks between North Korea and South Korea
South Korean leadership should refrain from publicly threatening to decapitate the leadership of a nuclear-armed regime. The goal of dialogue with North Korea should begin with an agreement on something like an arms embargo, rather than something controversial like denuclearization to prevent relations from getting out of hand.