Some next-level stupidity is happening in British Columbia. Despite the fact that Health Canada and other agencies have turned down the provision of tested medications to British Columbians, yet, tested drugs are still being regulated.
According to CBC, Vancouver compassion club leaders have emphasized that they will keep distributing tested cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine as it is the only way to preserve lives in the face of a toxic drug supply.
Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) a collective of advocacy groups working to ensure a safe supply of drugs has stressed that regulating the illicit supply is the answer to stopping drug toxicity deaths. The organizations are heading for judicial review of the Health Canada decision.
That too on the basis that it didn’t consider charter rights to life and equality.
Extreme Drug deaths in B.C.
Illicit drug deaths have always been a dark sheep for British Columbia. The matter was once declared a public health emergency in 2016. However, since then, there hasn’t been a decline in “drug overdose” deaths.

In 2021, 2,264 people died due to illicit drug use. Furthermore, by July 2022, 1,095 deaths have already been recorded which is indeed a record high. It is expected that this year’s total would break all previous records.
The rate of death from illicit drug toxicity in B.C. has risen from 20.4 for every 100,000 people in 2016 to 43.6 in 2021, more than double the 20.5 rate across Canada. B.C. is presently leading fatalities due to drug overdose in Canada.
Behind all this, only the administration has to be blamed, i.e. Jagmeet Singh’s NDP party which currently governs B.C.
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An orchestrated disaster
Illicit drug use has always been a contentious topic for B.C. For those who don’t know, B.C. was the first province to request an exemption from Health Canada to legalize the possession of small amounts of illegal drugs for personal use was British Columbia.
After which, the NDP-led authorities received a federal exemption in May.

As per the federal exemption, having 2.5 grams or less of any combination of opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine, or MDMA, popularly known as ecstasy, will not result in criminal consequences for persons who are 18 years old and older.
For a very long time, NDP sought to legalize drug usage, which they finally achieved. However, as a result of this legalization, pro-drug NGOs operating in British Columbia are now looking to legalize the use of drugs in big quantities.
The majority of the groups selling small quantities of drugs agree that “the amount is negligible,”. In July 2021, Vancouver City Council voted to support a federal application that would allow a “compassion club” model and provide tested drugs in the city.
The application was put forward by the same Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) which presently eyes increasing the quantity of ‘tested drugs’.
DULF openly calls for an exemption to Section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which would allow them to open a safe supply fulfilment centre and hand out clean tested drugs. What’s even more surprising here is their non-sensical justification for such vile actions.
DULF organizers stress, “People will always use drugs, so the priority should be ensuring the drugs are as safe as possible.”
Furthermore, even B.C. Civil Liberties Association asks for the complete legalization of all drug possession for personal use, as well as drug sharing and sales for personal use. This is what a liberal administration has done to an already degrading administrative system.
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There is a famous saying that fish rots from the heads down. Both Justin Trudeau and his coalition partner, the NDP, which currently governs British Columbia, are to blame for the increased desire for drug legalization.
The federal government and provincial authorities should have prioritized lowering drug usage. However, they did something that should be considered a disaster of epic proportions.