Barbados, amidst celebrations of its Independence Day, is becoming a drunken paradise, because of the inability of its legal institutions in dealing with “high” citizens, who are getting killed in car accidents.
The police is being callous about keeping checks on the youth who are involved in rash driving, and car accidents because of the impacts caused by intoxication. Laws and surveillance initiatives aren’t as stringent as to ensure order. Laws related to Road Safety are pending for ages in the parliament now. Though many laws are discussed to pass breathalyser screening, they just become pieces of paper due to officers yet to be trained and education programmes regarding the use of technology. Along with that, the government’s intention to pass or implement such laws is also not that strong.
Why the government is inactive?

A Barbados Today report suggested a rise in sales of super premium alcoholic brands up to 30 per cent in spite of restrictions put due to Covid. There seems a political angle looking at the silence of parties on this issue. The leaders don’t seem to care about the issue of heavy drinking since they would lose their vote bank. Here, another excuse could be about nightclub and bars business losing out bread and butter for attracting tourists in the area plus livelihoods could be impacted which means that more lives could be lost in their tone.
What Effects on Citizens?
According to a UNDP report, 47 per cent of teenagers between 13-15 years of age drank at least one alcoholic drink per month and 27 per cent got drunk frequently. These developments are raising an alarm bell for administrative bodies to pull up their socks and promote mass usage of breathalysers to catch boozers on spot.
Boozers of Barbados seem to be going through different emotional reactions such as non-contact, aggressiveness, depression etc. These psychological impacts are fatal for youngsters hailing from weaker sections of society which are struggling with inhumane situations such as hunger, illiteracy and poverty.

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Many factors seem to persist when it comes to citizens becoming boozers, these include even education -which is essential for citizens to act in an open world, tackle and solve problems but if someone doesn’t have the privilege to get such opportunities then the person will lack awareness and maturity in dealing with complex situations.
Damage Control?
Monitoring is a key to ensuring proper lifestyles and people being empowered in not having the wrong habits where they feel they could get high and cool but in this case, the impacts are negative.
The breathalyser screening method is recommended to be used in nightclubs, and pubs without delay where state institutions should not interfere and misuse resources pertaining to the welfare initiatives required for the citizen’s upkeep and well-being. The governments instead of looking for just money, should pass stricter laws and make the culprits pay so that deterrence is here.