The western world is at the top of the list when it comes to illustrating the depths of hypocrisy. It is already widely accepted that the western world is largely to blame for the phenomenon of climate change. And now that these countries have attained their economic zenith, they are suddenly realizing that they need to battle climate change. But who will be hardest hit by this nebulous Western agenda? Obviously, it is the poor and backward African nations which are yet to realize their developmental goals.
But this time, it has employed the most idiotic tactic to put African countries—Namibia and Botswana on the back foot. It is clear that the West wants to keep these countries as their property and to prevent their political and economic development.
Rich at the cost of poor
The richest countries in the world, primarily those in the west, have so far contributed disproportionately to global warming. Even though wealthy nations like the United States, Canada, Japan, and much of western Europe make up only 12 percent of the world’s population today, they are responsible for half of all greenhouse gases that have been released into the atmosphere over the past 170 years due to the burning of fossil fuels and industrial activity.
Overall, the western world has achieved its goal at the expense of exploitation of natural resources worldwide, particularly in Africa.
You see, Africa’s surface conceals a wealth of extremely valuable mineral resources. Nearly 1 billion tonnes of minerals worth $406 billion were mined on the continent in 2019.
The United Nations estimates that roughly 30% of the world’s mineral reserves, 12% of the world’s oil, and 8% of the world’s natural gas reserves are located in Africa.

These natural resources are largely shared by Namibia and Botswana. As a result, these countries have a fantastic opportunity to develop by using these natural resources. And now that these African countries desire to develop economically by reaping the benefits of their natural resources, the West is attempting to prevent them from achieving their objectives by using their agenda of fighting climate change.
In a such recent incident, the western backed religious leaders are making sure that Namibia and Botswana oil project undertaken by a Canadian company, Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica), is being halted and the countries are not able to reap the benefits out of this project.
Also Read: Namibian Government is a total sell out; its latest deal with the EU proves that
Hidden agenda of the West
Religious leaders are calling the project—a sin. “The project is a sin, and a serious one,” a recently retired Anglican Bishop of Namibia said.
Another Bishop said, “Jesus said, ‘I have come so that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ He would never be on the side of anything that has the potential to destroy life, to destroy the environment in which people live. I have no doubt that Jesus would find a way of pulling the carpet under the feet of those who are still wanting to engage in the exploration of fossil fuels.
“I would like drilling to stop, this company to pick up its machines and go.”
Others have also given the reasons for halting the project. For instance, according to the inhabitants, the deltaic region is a platform to communicate with spirits and gods. They claim to have an emotional bond with the area.
Well, this is a completely absurd justification for stopping the project. Although TFI does not intend to offend anyone’s religious sensibilities, there must be a logical justification for this explanation.
However, despite ReconAfrica’s claim that its exploration offers no contamination danger, these religious leaders warn that drilling in Namibia may affect subsurface water sources.
Mwanyengwa Shapwanale, head of communications for ReconAfrica’s Namibian subsidiary says the company is working with Namibian government “to make sure that not only are we in line with what is expected from us to protect the environment, especially the water, but also to make sure that we go the extra mile.”
Namibia has, however, “insignificant” greenhouse gas emissions when compared to those of wealthier nations. Less than 4% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions originate from all of Africa. And now that these African countries are emerging from their protracted slumber and moving towards economic development, it is obvious that the western world would activate its agents in the region to thwart these nations’ emergence.