Haiti Gangs: Agenda-setting theory, a theory that determines what the world will talk about. A theory that explains the process by which the selective group of an influential person determines the importance of issues on the public agenda. This theory written decades ago remains relevant today as it can be seen in the current situation in Haiti.
Last week, Police officers also started doing violence in response to the gang wars. Now, the United Nations has taken advantage of this opportunity to potentially re-intervene in Haiti. Using its influence to set the agenda for the issues that are being thoroughly discussed and prioritized by the public, an invasion appears to be minutes away now.
Growing Tensions
How many times have we told you that the situation in Haiti is deteriorating. Now, it’s almost like a civil war. Last week, Haitian police rebelled against Henry’s administration and started rioting, just like gangs to pressurize Ariel Henry over the killing of more than a dozen colleagues by criminal gangs. Since he took office in mid-2021, Haiti’s National Human Rights Defense Network has documented 78 deaths of security officers.
And, the rioting officers blame the government for not taking action. The police are alleging that the unelected prime minister has not demonstrated sufficient support. Some have even hinted that he may have ties to criminal gangs.
This all is happening when Ariel Henry and his ‘unelected’ government is seeking a new term in Haiti. The Haitian crisis is now as fragile as thin glass. Believe us, it’s about to break because the west is eager to hop in the matter.
UN explains its intervention dream again
Helen La Lime, the UN special envoy to Haiti has again stressed that a legitimized invasion is the need of the hour in Haiti. As per La Lime, the Police, yes! the Police, is not able to win the battle against the gangs without international support.

There you go, “International Support”. The infamous word, that is used frequently by such organisations and nations. In actuality, it means the country is ripe enough to be invaded by the so-called superpowers. Don’t believe us, listen to this statement by the head of BINUH (UN Integrated Office in Haiti) and decide for yourself. He said the support must be done by “the deployment of a rapid action force”, in order to act in an emergency!
Not a Unique Solution
The United Nations previously made a similar request a few months ago. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed a force at the request of Haiti’s government. The discussions, however, appear to be stalled on which country would take the lead role. US and Canada are the main contenders that are being pushed to intervene in Haiti as PM Ariel Henry is often labelled as quite close to both of these nations.
Recently, leaders from the United States, Canada and Mexico also held a summit in Mexico City to discuss the matter. Before the summit, the White House’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, emphasized the importance of determining a country to take the lead role. What is making them hesitate is the horrendous past of the nations in Haiti.

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The United Nations has taken up the issue once again, highlighting that Haiti is falling apart. However, their intervention could exacerbate the situation. It could lead to a violent power struggle within Haiti with the US-Backed Henry administration going against Gangs, and Police going against both of them.
It is no doubt that this ongoing conflict between gangs and police in Haiti is creating an opportunity for potential western intervention. If things do not settle soon, the USA won’t hesitate in invading the poor nation and tossing every possible idea of a resource-rich peaceful democratic country out of the discussion. As, thanks to the USA’s so-called democratic ideas, the horrors of Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq are still not forgotten.