Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela energy deal: Wherever there’s any energy source you’ll find the USA hovering around there. Same is happening in Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. USA in order to gain some upper hand in both of these nations energy sources, proposed an energy deal between them. However, as Caracas is familiar with the over-powering nature of the USA it is not letting the deal move forward. The Port of Spain, but, needs that “dragon gas deal” at any cost. Maduro, on the other hand, is remarkably silent on the subject.
At such a crucial time, the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, has arrived in Venezuela. Dr. Gonsalves met with President Nicolas Maduro and also the Venezuelan Foreign Minister to discuss some bilateral and CELAC issues.
The official statement says that the PM will speak about a number of distinct issues. But, we think the purpose behind the visit is the aforementioned infamous deal. How? Let’s figure it out.
Energy secured SVG talks of energy
While meeting Minister of Foreign Affairs, prime minister Gonsalves, surprisingly raised the issue of “energy” in CELAC. SVG raising concerns about energy in CELAC nations, in which Trinidad and Tobago is also a member, is really important. Why?
SVG for the long haul has benefited from close relations with Venezuela. It received 40,000 sacks of urea as a gift from the Government. Not only this, Kingstown has benefited from Petrocaribe. Just last month, a cargo ship carrying 23,000 barrels of oil landed at Lowmans Bay, St. Vincent. SVG has rarely fallen short of energy thanks to PetroCaribe. Yet, SVG is eager to talk with Venezuela on energy.

That too Ralph Gonsalves and the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Keith Rowley are going to meet in International Energy Conference and Expo, next week. It seems like Ralph Gonsalves wants to bring Nicolas Maduro to the negotiation table before this conference, so, he can give some good news to Rowley.
Now, Venezuela is running away from entering into an agreement with TT because the license issued by the U.S. Treasury Department at Trinidad’s request, is seen as an attack on its sovereignty. That is reasonable as TT, at the behest of the USA, has indicated that no financial payments will be given to President Maduro’s government as part of the arrangement with Venezuela’s state-run oil giant, PDVSA.
Cracking the Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela energy deal
So, why we do think that SVG can broker Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela energy deal? Because currently, only SVG has the power to talk to Venezuela, given their friendly past. Also, as SVG has CELAC presidency, it can use the position to crack the deal independent of the USA.
Read More: Seeds of hatred have germinated between Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela
SVG’ arrival in Caracas reinforces its anti-US stance and its pursuit of energy cooperation in CELAC. The nation, armed with CELAC, is steadfast in excluding the US from American affairs. Any future deals brokered may result in a significant defeat for the US at the hands of Caribbean nations.