We often recall the adage “With great power comes great responsibility,” which suggests that those with significant influence have a duty to use it wisely. Unfortunately, it appears that global superpowers and their organisations have disregarded this principle, including the United Nations. Criticism has been directed at the UN for its handling of recent international conflicts, indicating that it has failed to uphold this fundamental principle.
The UN, the self-proclaimed guardian of the whole world which claims to be fighting for international peace and security, has endured a humiliating defeat in the backdrop of the Russo-Ukraine conflict. The mechanisms of the US-backed UN have faced the unbreakable wall of Putin’s Russia.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1945 to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order. With headquarters in New York City, the UN currently has 193 member states.
The UN is made up of six main organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, the Secretariat, and the Trusteeship Council (which has suspended its operations since the 1990s). Each organ has specific responsibilities within the UN’s overall mission.
One of the most important functions of the UN is to maintain international peace and security. The Security Council is responsible for this and has the power to impose sanctions and authorise the use of force in order to maintain peace.
The General Assembly, which is made up of representatives from all member states, is responsible for discussing and making recommendations on international issues and can also approve the UN’s budget.
The UN also works to promote sustainable development, protect human rights, and provide humanitarian aid to those in need. The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, which include ending poverty, promoting gender equality, and taking action on climate change.
Overall, it can be said that the UN is a critical international organisation that plays a vital role in promoting global cooperation and addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
UN is entirely controlled by the US
However, the reality is entirely different. Unfortunately, the UN is a body whose primary objective since its inception has been to advocate, promote and attain the questionable agenda of the United States. Before the formation of the UN, the League of Nations existed whose functions were completely identical to that of the UN. Meaning the League of Nations’ main purpose was also centered around furthering the authoritative and illegitimate ploy of Washington.
In fact, former US president, Woodrow Wilson, himself was behind the creation of the League of Nations. He very cunningly disguised the international body as a forum of political dialogue and diplomatic negotiations. However, in reality the League of Nations was running a charade in the name of promotion of peace and security.
In the early twentieth century, the US devised a strategy to intimidate other sovereign and peaceful countries through the brazen display of its nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, most countries, particularly those which emerged from the dark shadows of colonial dominance, were compelled to embrace the neo-colonial agenda of the US.

After managing to bring these countries under the wings of its hegemony, the US realised that the formation of a sophisticated international body, which will look after its interests, is indispensable for the geopolitical success of its nefarious intentions.
Read more: EU forgets to sanction Russia
That’s where the role of the United Nations comes in. The institution or lets call it an extension of the US government, has time and again come to the defence of Washington whenever it has found itself in the self-created bleak manhole of geopolitical blunders. Instead of upholding its obligations, which are enshrined in the charter, the UN has not only turned a blind eye to the systematic atrocities and countless brutalities of the US, but also provided Washington material and financial support.
Since Russia has always been the chief adversary of the US, Washington has often deployed the UN in its flawed mission to bring the economic, diplomatic and political downfall of Russia. Even before the initiation of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, the UN was used by the US to target Russia. But the West’s diplomatic and military aggressions on Moscow, through the UN, have significantly risen in the aftermath of the Russo-Ukraine conflict.
Steps UN took against Russia
So what were these measures taken by the UN against Russia? Let’s trace the year 2022 in that regard.
On 28th February, the prosecutor of the West-dominated International Criminal Court launched an investigation against Russia for war crimes and human rights abuses.
On 2nd March, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution condemning Russia’s military operation in Ukraine with 141 votes in favour, 5 against and 35 abstentions.
On 5th March, the UN Human Rights Council formed an independent international commission of inquiry against Russia.
On 7th April, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution and demanded Russia’s removal from the Human Rights Council. The resolution managed to garner 93 votes in favour and 24 against.
Read More: Ukraine visit: Where are your priorities Mr. Biden!
On 6th June, Pramila Pattern, who was the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict, accused Russian forces of committing sexual assault and rape against Ukrainian civilians.

On 10th June, the UN human rights office, questioned the legality of the sentence given to three foreign fighters in Ukraine by a court in the Russian-controlled territory of Donetsk.
On 21 June, the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Wairimu Nderitu, accused Russian military of perpetrating sexual violence and human trafficking in Ukraine.
On 9th September, the head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine stated that about 5,800 civilians have been killed and held Russia responsible for their deaths.
On 29th September, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, labelled Russia’s plan to gain control of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia territories as illegal and called on the world to condemn it.
On 12th October, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which called on nations to not recognise the four annexed regions of Ukraine in the wake of referendums held in September.
On 14th November, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which called on Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine. 94 nations voted in favour of it and 14 against.
On 4 December, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, visited Ukraine as part of a four day official trip. While visiting Kharkiv, Izium and Uzhhorod, Turk blamed Russia for the widespread devastation and destruction.
Apart from diplomatic and political backing, the UN also provided significant financial assistance to Ukraine.

On 1st March, the UN gave an aid of $1.7 billion to Ukraine in the name of humanitarian relief.
On 26th April, the UN increased its funding to Kyiv, providing an aid of $2.24 billion to Zelensky.
Similarly, on 25th October, during an international summit in Berlin, organised by Germany and the European Union, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), signed a €2 million deal with Ukraine.
On 4th January, 2023, the UN announced a further $15.5 million funds to Ukraine, this time it was intended to help its farmers.
Does the UN have any impact on Russia?
However, despite all these diplomatic, economic and political measures of the West which were intended to prevent Russia from gaining territorial success in Ukraine, achieve economic advancement and cause its international isolation in the geopolitical arena, Moscow’s rise has been significantly persistent.
The West rallied around the world, with the help of its treacherous body UN, against Russia. While the US and Europe created a false perception of Vladimir Putin on the global stage, bodies like the UN used their resources to attain the ulterior motives of Biden, Macron, Leyen and their lackeys.
The West tried every method at their disposal to cause the downfall of Russia, from imposing draconian sanctions on Moscow to the adoption of illegitimate resolutions and meaningless votes. But so far the West has been unable to break the determination of Moscow to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity from the terroristic onslaughts of Ukraine.
Read more: Ukraine visit: Where are your priorities Mr. Biden!
It must be noted that the West used the UN as a tool in order to give legitimacy to its authoritative measures on Russia. But the reality is that Russia is making tremendous gains in Ukraine and Zelensky is coming to his senses that it was a mistake to trust Biden and Leyen. Therefore, the legitimacy of Putin’s actions have defeated the malicious intentions of the UN, the flawed body of the West has died in the face of Russia’s will power.