Hey, Queen Trudeau!! What precisely is the point of appointing a ‘rapporteur’ when he is still in your pocket? Fooling Canadians again!!
Just a week ago, Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, made a dramatic announcement that he would appoint an “eminent Canadian” to look into allegations of foreign interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections. This was in response to claims that the Chinese Communist Party had funnelled illegal donations to a number of Liberal candidates.
However, despite mounting evidence that his government has received repeated warnings from intelligence officials about Chinese interference since at least 2017, the prime minister has declined to respond to questions about what he knew and when.
After the Globe and Mail reported last month that intelligence sources said China attempted to interfere in that campaign to help the Liberals win another minority government, the Liberal government has come under intense pressure to explain what it knew about foreign interference in the 2021 election.
Trudeau took a very obvious step to save his face as pressure on the cute-faced dictator increased. Calling an inquiry? No, he lacks the guts to do that. He chose to name his close aide as the “rapporteur” instead.

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According to a media report by Global news, Canadian diplomat and former governor David Johnston will assume the role of “special rapporteur” for Ottawa to look into claims of foreign meddling in Canadian politics and society.
On March 15, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named Johnston as the eminent Canadian who will investigate the interference issue and make recommendations to the federal government on how to handle it. Johnston presided as the country’s governor-general from 2010 to 2017.
For those who don’t know, Johnston has been active in Canadian politics for about 50 years. Johnston earned a great deal of respect for his dedication to public service and his support of social justice, innovation, and education while serving as governor-general.
Till today, Johnston remains an influential figure in Canadian public life, continuing to work on issues related to education, and social justice. He is a respected author and speaker, and his contributions to Canadian society have been recognized with numerous honors and awards.

However, because he is a Canadian diplomat, it is almost near impossible to stay away from controversy. Trudeau has been known for keeping his close aids near to himself, especially at times of danger and stress.
And so, David Johnston is also one of Trudeau’s trustworthy men.
Johnston: Trudeau’s man to rescue
David Johnston is a “family friend” of Trudeau’s father, according to Justin Trudeau. Johnston is also a “member” of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation which provides guidance and aids in the selection of the board of directors.
The same foundation is also connected to allegations that Justin Trudeau was the target of Chinese government efforts to influence him prior to the 2015 election.
Johnston has also been on the verge of being a China dove. Johnston was completely on board with the Liberal strategy for relations with Beijing during the time when his governor-general duties overlapped with Trudeau’s administration.
In 2017, Johnston oversaw a mission to China to negotiate a deal regarding winter sports and culture. President Xi Jinping greeted him when he arrived and said, “You are an old friend of the Chinese people.” “Mr. President, it’s great to be back in China,” Johnston retorted. “We are especially appreciative of you making time for us”, Xi continued. Johnston answered, “I feel like I’ve come home.”
This was the actual conservation between the Former governor and the Chinese President. And now, this man will investigate Liberal Party’s involvement with China. This is quite ironic.
Johnston isn’t necessarily a part of the investigation, but it’s clear that choosing someone with more background knowledge would have been better.
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Trudeau is vying with Johnston with his “wide mandate” to investigate foreign interference in the last two federal elections and will make recommendations “on how to further protect our democracy and uphold Canadians’ confidence in it.”
Sadly, Johnston’s appointment is just an eyewash. It won’t change any of the calculations, that denies Trudeau and China’s connection. Therefore, the special rapporteur position was not designed to enlighten. It was designed to confuse.