Getachew Read-y to Lead Tigray: TPLF’s Nominee for Interim President

interim president of TPLF

New interim president of TPLF: After ravaging Ethiopia for two years, the TPLF crisis has finally come to an end. The conflict has killed thousands and internally displaced millions of Ethiopians. Despite the end of the conflict, millions of Ethiopians still require urgent humanitarian aid and protection.

(Source: BBC News)

However, the absence of a regional interim administration has impeded the humanitarian response across Tigray, where millions are in desperate need of assistance.

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New interim president of TPLF

According to reports, the dominant party in Ethiopia’s Tigray region has announced its nominee for the President of a regional administration, which was called for in a peace deal that ended a two-year war in the northern area of the country. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has named its spokesperson, Getachew Read, for the new interim president.

New interim president of TPLF (Source: The East African Daily)

Additionally, it appears that the US has also influenced this decision. The US has been trying to improve its relations with Africa as it seeks to maintain its dominance in the continent and counter the increasing Russian and Chinese influence. As part of its outreach campaign, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, recently visited Ethiopia and praised authorities there for progress on implementing the peace pact while cautioning that more work needed to be done.

Read More: It’s official, USA sponsored TPLF

During his visit, Blinken also discussed the importance of setting up an interim administration with Getachew and Ethiopian officials. Now, Getachew’s nomination has come just days after Blinken’s visit to Ethiopia. If approved by the federal government, he would replace TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael, who has led Tigray since 2018. For a country that has long meddled in African affairs, gaining the upper hand in choosing a new interim leader for the Tigray region could have several consequences. Moving forward, it’s crucial for all parties to ensure that the hard-earned peace in Ethiopia endures.

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