Ethiopia and Eritrea to US: ‘Mind Your Own Business

Peace has finally been achieved after the Tigray crisis ravaged Ethiopia for two years, destroying its economy and displacing millions. During the war, Ethiopia’s forces received support from Eritrea’s army against the TPLF. Finally, after two years of this deadly conflict, a peace treaty was signed between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), leading to peace. There are ample reasons to believe that the US instigated and backed the TPLF, exacerbating the crisis. In fact, Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki has recently accused the US of supporting Tigrayan rebels during the recent civil war in northern Ethiopia.

Despite the conflict coming to an end, it appears that the US is not finished with its preaching and may even be instigating further trouble.

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Ethiopia,Eritrea call out the US

During his recent visit to Ethiopia, US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken called for accountability for war crimes committed by federal troops from Ethiopia and its ally, Eritrea, as well as by the TPLF and forces from the neighboring Amhara region.

Read More: Getachew Read-y to Lead Tigray: TPLF’s Nominee for Interim President

However, some have criticized the US for singling out only Ethiopian, Eritrean, and regional Amhara forces for “crimes against humanity” without mentioning forces loyal to the TPLF, leading to accusations of bias in the US’s approach to the conflict.

(Source: The New Yorker)

Both Ethiopia and Eritrea have strongly reacted to the US’s recent statements. Ethiopia’s government has accused the US of taking a “partisan” approach, and its foreign ministry has described the US statement as “inflammatory.” Meanwhile, Eritrea’s foreign ministry has called the allegations “unsubstantiated and defamatory” and accused the US of pursuing a hostile agenda against Eritrea since 2009.

(Source: Deccan Herald)

Well, it seems like the US can’t resist poking its nose into African affairs, even when it’s not needed. Ethiopia and Eritrea have made it clear that they’re not buying it and have put Uncle Sam in his place. Will the US learn its lesson? Only time will tell.

Read More: It’s official, USA sponsored TPLF

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