Ukrainian Head. Russian Finger. American Sniper

In a world where profit reigns supreme and power knows no boundaries, a dangerous dance unfolds between nations. Private corporations, armed with immense resources, hold the fate of nations in their hands. And within this deadly theatre of war, a web of deceit and hypocrisy unravels. 

Weapons of Profit

Private corporations have a long history of influencing national and international politics. It is frequently difficult for governments to adequately oversee and manage their behaviour due to their immense resources and power. This dynamic is especially pronounced in the arms industry, as private corporations may control how wars are fought and profit from the havoc they cause.

As the world follows the escalating American “pseudo-sanctions” against Russia, including oil quotas and the targeting of Russian oligarchs, it becomes evident that these actions have about the same effect on Russia as a mosquito bite does on a bear. Although the sanctions are widely covered in the media, they actually have little effect on Russia’s behaviour.

Defying Sanctions

However, one element of this assault against Russia seems to be simply ignored: the armaments trade. Despite sanctions, numerous American arms producers continue to send Russia lethal weapons, like sniper rifles.

This subject was recently covered in a Politico article that appeared on June 19. According to a Politico report, a well-known American corporation Hornady sold significant amounts of sniper rounds to Russian businesses including Promtekhnologiya and Tetis. 

The 1949-founded company Hornady takes pride in making ammunition that is “Accurate. Deadly. Dependable.” 

Their motto, “Ten bullets through one hole,” describes their attitude.

This finding adds to the growing body of data showing that Russia continues to import both lethal and non-lethal military hardware in spite of the West’s reportedly severe sanctions. Defence specialists claim that a robust illegal market for Western ammunition has been formed as a result of Russia’s inability to produce high-quality sniper rounds.

Read More: So, entire European Union was supplying weapons to Russia

It’s interesting to note that the Wagner Group, a private military company operating in Russia, has access to Hornady ammunition like the Orsis T-5000. This makes one wonder about America’s double-game tactics.

A Tale of Two Faces

America has a notorious history of intervening on both sides of disputes. On the one hand, it pushes Ukraine to start a conflict with Russia and urges them to fight and win. On the other side, it covertly supplies Russian private military organisations like Wagner with ammunition.

It is hardly surprising that a nation that is famous for causing havoc and waging endless wars would take such a hypocritical stance. These behaviours are motivated by two straightforward factors: profit and control. 

Selling ammunition to nations at war is the American military-industrial complex’s main source of income, and it would appear that human lives are of little concern to them. America’s top priority is making money by selling ammunition, regardless of whether people are dying in Ukraine or Russia. These nations unintentionally transform into puppet states, boosting the armaments industry’s profits while America benefits financially.

Lastly, the strategies America has used over many decades are all too well known to the rest of the globe. America engages in a treacherous game of puppetry where human lives are used as a bargaining chip in the name of wealth. It is high time we recognize the true motivations behind such actions and strive for a world where peace, not profit, reigns supreme.

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