There are always some duos that simply click – Batman and Robin, Bread and Butter, and the power-packed duo of Belarus and Russia. While some nations don’t take alliances seriously, Belarus and Russia have gone all in, showcasing a bromance that geopolitics can only envy.
Belarus isn’t just Russia’s neighbor; it’s the steadfast partner that never betrays. Like inseparable puzzle pieces, they not only share borders but ideologies, trade deals, and perhaps even covert handshake rituals.
Putin and Lukashenko have found common ground in their shared appreciation for united opposition against Western influence.
The bond between Putin and Lukashenko has remained unbreakable, even weathering the storm of the Ukraine conflict. When sanctions loomed and tensions escalated, Belarusian President Lukashenko stood shoulder to shoulder with Putin, defying adversity and lending support in the Ukraine war.
The Threat of Belarus
However, recent developments have added new layers to this bond. Belarus has welcomed Russian nuclear weaponry on its soil and even harbored the infamous ‘rebel’ Wagner PMC group, stirring tensions along the Polish-Belarusian border.
Meanwhile, Belarus eyes Ukraine from its borders, hinting at readiness to assist Ukraine with Russia’s approval. This demonstrates more between Belarus and Russia highlighting the depth of their alliance.

As the world commemorated the third anniversary of Putin’s intervention to quell dissent in Belarus, the West has once again unveiled its playbook. A threat looms, a signal of attack against the Belarusian strongman, Lukashenko.
The Ukrainian army, often deemed a remote-controlled puppet of Washington DC, has come into focus. Three years post the anti-Lukashenko protests, Belarusians who had protested against the fraudulent re-election in 2020 now find themselves fighting alongside the Ukrainian forces against Russian incursion.
Read More: Belarus ready to pound Ukraine with its new long-range missiles
Plan Attack Belarus
Andrzej Kshetussky, one of the protesters from 2020, now stands with the Ukrainian army. He articulates the desperation that led him to take this drastic step, as Belarus saw its protest infrastructure shattered, opposition organizations dismantled, and countless exiles and political prisoners.
He envisions Ukraine’s victory as the first domino, setting the stage for democratic transformation in Belarus.

More than 5000 Belarusians are estimated to join Azov Battalion, and now they all are calling to enter Belarus to remove Lukashenko. However, this sudden Belarusian faction’s intention to enter their homeland coincides with Belarus emerging as a thorn in Western plans against Russia.
The timing raises eyebrows; is this a genuine grassroots movement or an orchestrated statement by external forces seeking to destabilize Belarus? The West’s words hint at the latter.
Read More: EU’s sanctions on Belarus are as real as ‘Count Dracula’
A Recipe for Disaster
The notion of attacking Belarus via Ukraine might sound appealing to some, but it’s akin to stepping on a rake. Instead of achieving a strategic victory, such an endeavor would be a shot in the foot. A direct assault on Belarus would provoke a fierce counterattack, with Belarus fortified and ready for a scathing response.
Evidence of Belarus’ preparedness lies in the village of Kalinina, where anti-tank defenses and military trenches stand testament to Belarus’ resolve. Their strategy is clear – hinder and destroy armored vehicles, divert the enemy, and secure vital positions.

Ukraine’s focus has been on its Eastern front, where Russian forces have surged. In contrast, Western Ukraine remains vulnerable. The specter of Wagner PMC’s involvement hovers, potentially inflicting harm on Poland.
The ramifications of a misguided attack are clear: instead of debilitating Belarus, the situation in Ukraine could intensify, escalating into a full-scale invasion. This would corner Western powers, with limited options left – perhaps nothing more than a truce.
Hence, Biden’s ‘Attack Belarus Plan’ is stupid. It’s a proposition that promises nothing but a catastrophic outcome. Instead of gaining, the United States stands to lose greatly.
Attempting to launch an offensive against Belarus would unravel the status quo. Belarus’ staunch defense strategies, combined with the potential for an even graver conflict in Ukraine, paint a picture of chaos, not conquest. The vision of victory would blur, overshadowed by the chaos it unleashes.
Read More: Belarus + Wagner + Nuclear Cloud+ Fear of Loss = NATOs Article 5!
This so-called ‘Attack Belarus Plan’ is less of a grand move and more of a stumble – a perilous misstep that could set off a chain reaction with disastrous implications. it’s clear that such a move isn’t just ill-advised; it’s stupidity itself. Biden’s grand plan is more likely to achieve chaos than the desired outcome.
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