Kamala Harris Energizes Indian American Youth for 2024!

In a historic moment for American politics, Kamala Harris’s nomination for the 2024 Presidential race has ignited a wave of support among Indian American youth, energizing a new generation of voters.

“Organizations like They See Blue, focused on mobilizing South Asian American voters, are seeing a surge in volunteer sign-ups. High school and college students are stepping up in numbers far greater than during previous campaigns.”

Across the country, hundreds of volunteers are knocking on doors, running phone banks, and writing postcards to rally voters for Harris. It’s not just her shared heritage, but also her ability to deliver “better speeches” compared to Biden that resonates with Indian-American supporters. Young voters describe her campaign as “uplifting,” with a message of “hope and positivity”.

A recent survey showed that Asian-American support for Biden has declined since 2020. Kamala’s entry, however, is transforming the political landscape

As the campaign progresses, only time will tell if Harris’s shared heritage can translate into a significant voter turnout beyond the Democratic base.”

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