Germany shivers as Putin puts Berlin on his hit list

NATO’s worst nightmare has come true! To hell with Ukraine! President Vladimir Putin is now going after its masters in Europe, who are funding Kyiv’s war machinery.

German media is reporting that Russia came dangerously close to attacking a NATO base in Germany on August 22 with drones. Berlin rushed to raise the security level at the base following a tip-off from foreign intelligence over signs of “Russian sabotage”.

The military facility in question here is Geilenkirchen air base, which houses the Western alliance’s fleet of AWACS surveillance planes. About 1,600 people work at the airfield, which stations special aircraft to monitor airspace in NATO’s eastern theatre.

The base acts as eyes and ears for NATO in Eastern Europe. It is equipped with radars that are capable of locating and identifying other aircraft at a range of more than 400 kilometres.

You see, it makes all sense in the world for Putin to bulldoze this airbase to give a deadly blow to Ukraine. After all, its NATO and especially the US that have been shoring up Kyiv’s defences are believed to be behind the recent Kursk offensive into Russian territories.

And guess how the Germans reacted to this open threat of drone attack by Putin?

The spineless nincompoops shuttered the base down over fears that its water supply system had been intentionally contaminated.

And it’s not just Germany that is Putin’s radar. Another NATO member and a bellicose US agent Poland is also on Putin’s hit list.

As per news reports, Russia allegedly flew its Shahed drone in Polish airspace for a whopping 33 minutes in a clear signal to Warsaw—The war is about to knock your doors.

The suspected Shahed drone was last tracked flying above the Polish town of Tyszowce in the east of the country and around 32 kilometres from the border with Ukraine. So, this deep penetration into NATO boundary was not an accident, but a bold message.

The incident also laid bare the vulnerability of NATO’s defence system, which was certainly not able to defend Polish borders.

With just one move, Putin has showed what a bunch of clowns the Polish military is. The Polish military earlier said it was ready to shoot down Russian drone. But in a huge embarrassment, they were not able to track it for even a second and now they are suggesting that the drone may have flown back into Ukraine.

And as the NATO vs Russia narrative builds up, US has resorted to devising ways to monetise yet another conflict. As per a report in Newsweek, the US this week approved the sales of advanced missiles to NATO members Norway and Romania that are collectively worth almost $1 billion.

US knows that Ukraine is done and dusted, they now need a new Ukraine to keep its war machinery running and to enrich the deep coffers of the military-industrial complex. So, we have Norway and Romania, all set to be USA’s new sacrificial lambs.

All in all, NATO vs Russia war seems inevitable now. And bellicose NATO has been preparing for it for months.

For example, Latvia has been installing “dragon’s teeth” on its borders with Russia. Dragon’s teeth, first used during World War II, are made of reinforced concrete and are used to impede the advances of tanks and mechanized infantry.

Similarly, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; the Baltic states, also signed an agreement in January to create a common defense line with “anti-mobility infrastructure elements” to bolster NATO’s eastern border with Russia and Belarus.

Germany has already confirmed it was developing emergency plans to move “hundreds of thousands” of NATO troops across its territory.

They all knew they were going to provoke Russia so much that it would force Russia to push war into Europe. And now, they crossed Putin’s red line by pushing into Kursk. The stage is set now, Putin is coming for NATO. And Russia may or may not emerge victorious in the end, the war will definitely break the backbone of Europe’s already-beleaguered economy and military apparatus.

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