In a unique war technique, Russia is using a “drone stalk” tactic to increase its influence in Kherson a southern Ukraine city. Through this tactic, Russia is flying dozens of drones in south Ukraine to follow cars and people, just like a video game chase. The drones conduct shelling and drop explosives on nearby civilian targets creating a tremendous sense of fear and uncertainty among the local residents, which has resulted in vast migration. Russia adopted this new devastating tactic last summer.
On most days, local officials say that between 30 and 60 Russian drones fly over Kherson. This kind of tactic looks successful in driving the city population out of town. Russia is using this strategy to manage the city’s population. In August 2024, there were more than 2,500 attacks, or dozens each day, the vast majority of them inside Kherson city, said Oleksandr Tolokonnikov, a spokesperson for the Kherson military administration. In September there were more than 2,700.
The range of the drones, up to 15km or about nine miles, allows them to dart across the river and back. They are small and cheap enough for Russia to deploy large numbers, and although they might struggle to find military targets on well-camouflaged frontlines, it is easy to find and hit civilians going about daily life.

According to reports, the population of the city has decreased significantly. Before the war, the population was 3,20,000, but it has recently reduced to 83,000. The report further says that Russians in Kherson do not simply scare the population; they train on civilians. They practise this tactic in Kherson and then get transferred to [the eastern] Donetsk [region], where combat is more difficult due to close contact. We intercept many videos showing Russian soldiers hunting for people.
Russia’s new tactic, “drone stalk”, in a critical port city in a long war is proving successful. Kherson is a vast and strategic Black Sea port home to shipbuilding. Russia strategically gained influence over the vital city without facing any military casualties or spending many resources. Just flying drones over civilians.
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Kherson was the first major city of battle when the Russia-Ukraine war started in 2022, and it was also the first city to fall. Ukrainians retook control of the town nine months after the city’s fall. Since then, the city has been a place of constant battle.
Geostrategically, the city is of vital importance. The city is located near the Crimean Peninsula, known as Gateway to Crimea. Geographically, it is situated on the Dnieper River, a critical waterway for Ukraine’s economy and military logistics. Controlling Kherson provide a strategic advantage of controlling the river, which can help prevent the movement and supply lines of Ukrainians. Kherson allows access to the Black Sea, enhancing Russia’s ability to project regional naval power and secure shipping routes.
Other countries and armies worldwide can learn this modern tactic of using drones in contemporary warfare. Due to its efficacy and effectiveness, parties involved in war can take control of a city while considerably reducing its causalities and saving its resources.