Prince Edward Island is No Longer Green
The Green Party in Canada has been a major party since its inception. It started as a small, grassroots movement and has since grown to become a...
The Green Party in Canada has been a major party since its inception. It started as a small, grassroots movement and has since grown to become a...
In the latest federal budget, the Trudeau government announced their plans to save $15-billion over the next four years. Perhaps they should start with their phone bill....
Canadians are being betrayed. They are being by the British Columbia government's decision to distribute Ozempic, a critically important medicine, to US citizens while the nation of...
Congratulations Canada, you've done it! After months of lobbying, your kids can now freely consume cocaine and other drugs without fear of criminalization or stigma. Yes, that's...
Joining the army is a noble decision. But lately, it seems like the armies of Western nations are facing manpower shortages. So, what do they do? They...
The effects of CBC's new Drag performers show may be felt far beyond children of Canada. By promoting extreme gender ideologies and exposing young viewers to inappropriate...
Saskatchewan Liberal Party: Good news for Saskatchewan! The Liberal party in the province has decided to finally stop being liberal. They have begun to hate their liberal...
ChatGPT (Conversational Graphical Processing Technology) is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is being increasingly used in Canada to teach Canadian kids. While it can be...
In a world where climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, it is truly heartbreaking to see a Canadian delegation to COP27...
The Canadian Armed Forces are so generous and thoughtful when it comes to taking care of its members. After all, cutting off thousands of troops from their...
Justin Trudeau has left Canada in a state of despair. Despite receiving the NSICOP report and the repeated warnings of foreign interference in Canada's democratic institutions, Trudeau...
On 24th March, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed President Joe Biden to Ottawa with open arms... and 15,000 more migrants! As part of a landmark agreement, the...