The Greens Party in Germany has taken a critical stance against its coalition partners, marking a significant departure from their previous...
In 2024, the potential return of the MaGa man to the Oval Office is instilling fear in the deep state and...
The ongoing ground conflict in Ukraine has essentially come to a halt, diminishing the prospects of Ukraine securing a military triumph...
Poland has officially suspended the supply of weapons to Ukraine, a decision that has been looming for several months. Prime Minister...
Russia-Ukraine war resulted in Western nations imposing a series of sanctions aimed at crippling Russia's economy. However, not all countries have...
In the heart of Prague, the Czech Republic echoes with the chants of 'Czech Republic First' as tens of thousands of...
Donbas missile strike: The New York Times investigation has blamed Ukrainian forces for a missile strike that took place on September...
Potential coup in Georgia: Amid global sanctions imposed on Russia for its recent invasion of Ukraine, Georgia stands out as an...
Ukraine has formulated a plan to counter Russia's dominant position in the global uranium market. According to a media report, Energy...
Zelenskyy US visit: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is gearing up for a pivotal visit to Washington, D.C US. His mission? Obviously,...
In the midst of one of the most critical periods in Ukraine's history, President Volodymyr Zelensky's words and the stark reality...
As 2025 federal elections loom, Chancellor Olaf Scholz grapples with a political rollercoaster. From plummeting popularity to surprising alliances, his journey...