MBS’ STFU to Biden that actually shut Biden up for good
The audacity of American foreign policy—its penchant for hubristic imposition—is no secret. Seemingly existing within an orbit of a geopolitical ...
The audacity of American foreign policy—its penchant for hubristic imposition—is no secret. Seemingly existing within an orbit of a geopolitical ...
In a jaw-dropping twist, OPEC has slammed the door shut on Western media giants, igniting a firestorm of drama and ...
"It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life." These statements perfectly capture ...
Lebanon news: Readers, gather 'round! While the world is busy dissecting the Ukrainian drama, let's take a moment to marvel ...
Iran GCC summit: The world of tourism and business is about to experience a seismic shift. The Gulf Cooperation Council ...
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region dates back to the early 20th century when the region was ...
When the West berates Russia, it does so with fervor, and why wouldn’t it? Russia is methodically eradicating Western influence ...
Saudi Arabia Syria relationship: It appears that two of the Middle East's historic adversaries, Saudi Arabia and Syria, may be ...
The aftermath of the grand realignment in the Middle East is not going to be kind to Europe. The flow ...
For many decades, the US dollar has been the currency of choice for international trade and investment. However, the times ...
Canada military exports to Saudi: A frightening truth in geopolitics has recently come to light. Canada's unwavering pursuit of its ...
Iran and Saudi join hands: The geopolitical paradigm is characterized by dynamism. Now, Iran and Saudi Arabia have given a ...