Joe Biden’s approval ratings have already started plummeting and the reasons for this are many

Joe Biden, USA

Joe Biden completed one month in the Oval Office on February 20, and come March, the first setbacks in approval ratings have started flowing in. If the statistics which have come to fore are anything to go by, President Biden is about to have his boat rocked big time. The American public is increasingly disapproving of the President, and it seems that many have already started believing that letting go of Donald Trump was a big mistake. But the surge in Joe Biden’s disapproval ratings is not particularly surprising. TFI has been at the forefront of reporting comprehensively about the disastrous policies of Joe Biden as President, which have been bordering on absurdity from the very first day.

According to Monmouth University poll results announced on Wednesday, Joe Biden’s approval ratings have seen a downturn from 54 per cent in January to 51 per cent in March. Meanwhile, the disapproval ratings of Biden have shot up from 30 per cent in January to a whopping 42 per cent in March. The drop in the approval rating also comes with a shift in the people who now have an opinion of the President. The category of people with ‘no opinion’ on Biden in late January has dropped from 16 per cent to 8 per cent.

In what also comes as good news for Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters, the Republican supporters are increasingly consolidating behind the red party. Joe Biden enjoys around 91 per cent approval rating from the Democrats and 80 per cent disapproval from the Republicans. It is not as if Joe Biden and his administration have any right to be surprised by such disastrous numbers. In fact, they had it coming from the very beginning, when the new President maniacally took to issuing haphazard executive orders, mostly with the intention of undoing all the good work done by the Trump administration.

Read more: Biden’s one month report card: A failure on all fronts, distinction in media management

Within the first 10 days of his presidency, Joe Biden took to signing 42 executive orders, which, if we are to go by the 78-year-old man’s own words, qualify him to be termed a “dictator”. In October last year, Biden had emphatically stated that there are certain “things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator”. The American public seems to have remembered these words, the results of which have sufficiently begun reflecting in Biden’s approval ratings.

President Biden has gone on an overdrive to open up the USA’s borders to millions of immigrants. It would not be an overstatement to say that Americans feel threatened in their own country with the coming of Joe Biden, a sentiment which has led to the 46th president’s disapproval ratings sharply shooting up. Joe Biden has made it a priority to defang ICE and open the country to hordes of illegal infiltrators. By curtailing the powers of ICE, Biden plans to create a pathway to citizenship for at least 11 million illegal immigrants. With an increase in immigration, crimes too will rise in the U.S., and Americans are now realising that they are being taken for a rocky ride by the Biden administration.

It must be pointed out that Joe Biden has been working overtime to desecrate all gender norms, in line with the larger ‘woke-pandemic’ that has gripped America. As such, he and his proxies have made norms that allow transgenders, and basically, anyone who ‘identifies’ as a woman or female to participate in women sports. This has been met with stiff resistance from women sportspersons, who now fear being left out far behind the new-entrants who although are meant for sporting under the mens’ category, will now gain an undue advantage by competing against actual women in their space. By shamelessly invading into the personal and professional space of actual women, the Biden administration has spelt its own death knell, which is evidently showing up in the new President’s nosediving approval ratings.

Another major cause of Biden being increasingly disliked by Americans is his anti-jobs attitude, in line with which the man, soon after assuming office, took to passing a blanket order that banned new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits on federal land and in federal water for 60 days. Such reckless decisions have imperilled America’s energy sector and created uncertainty among scores of Americans about the stability of their jobs. To add to his woes, the radical-left is still not satisfied with Biden, as it wants him to take American down the road of socialism, to an extent that the country comes under the rule of a Communist politburo.

And then, did Joe Biden seriously think that his disaster of a foreign policy will be ignored by Americans? Blatant prostration before Iran and China, withdrawing from the flourishing relations which the U.S. was having with the Arab world only over a month ago under Trump, taking the Indo-Pacific and QUAD casually and a blatant anti-Israel attitude have all spelt doom for the Biden administration. Add to that, the bombing of Syria – effectively signalling to the domestic public and global community that a warmongering America was indeed back, has had catastrophic statistical repercussions for Biden. Had Joe Biden been half as tough against Iran, and taken Tehran head-on instead of targeting its proxies, the new President’s ratings would perhaps not have plummeted within a month.

Finally, Joe Biden in general is a slow, sleepy, lethargic and disinterested man. Joe Biden, at this stage of his life, should be anything but the President of the world’s most powerful nation. This realisation is beginning to dawn upon a large section of the American populace, which is why the Biden administration’s ratings have begun taking a hit already.

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