All of us appreciate a creative person and on the top position of the most creative individuals is Joe Biden. The 79-year-old had reportedly come up with a new plan to contain “Misinformation”. USA’s Department of Home Security (DHS) had set up a new Disinformation Governance Board a few months prior. They feel that this board is going to function as the ‘Ministry of Truth’ from George Orwell’s ‘1984’.
But is Biden really trying to limit the spread of misinformation in the country or to control it to suit his own agenda?
Failure From The Starting
Nina Jankowicz, the department’s initial leader, recently resigned after many questioned her ability and allegedly inflicted “personal attacks” on her. Now if you do not know about the history of Nina Jankowicz, we suggest you read ahead.
Nina is a zealous democrat supporter who has previously blamed that armed Trump supporters would show up at the polls to coerce votes and she is the face behind the miraculous recovery of Hunter Biden from his Laptop Controversy.
Read More: Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ crumbles under its own weight
So, what Biden really did is to appoint a loyalist to head a sensitive department to curb “Fake News”. That is outright unethical and even illegal as it prohibits the idea of free speech and could easily be used as a state-sponsored weapon against the Republicans.
Kamala Harris – Disinformation Queen to lead the “ Truth Ministry ”
The Biden administration on Thursday created a new internet policy task force — this one led by Vice President Kamala Harris — with goals including “developing programs and policies” to protect “political figures” and journalists from “disinformation,” “abuse” and “harassment.”
Harris, VP of the United States should have been the last option to lead an organization that intends to check the flow of misinformation in the country. Senator Kamala Harris has an almost legendary history of spreading lies and speaking without research. Maybe she should employ a new research team before her approval rating plummets any lower than the historic 28% she scored before the government even completed one year.

She tweeted in 2019, “I was only the second class to integrate in Berkeley Public Schools”. Now Harris was born in 1964 and a quick glance at Berkeley High School’s yearbook in 1963 would help you make sure of the optimum integration of the district. The blatant lies told by Harris are a disparage of the American citizens.
Her ill-researched facts on the state of COVID are an insult on the efficiency of the office of the VP of the United States
“… there’s a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it seriously.”
The statement is entirely false owing to the fact that many advanced nations including the U.K, Spain and Italy were hit much worse than the US.
Biden’s “ Intentionally ” targeting Harris?
Biden does have a troubling history with her running mate. Relations between the two democrats have been rough with things getting pretty warmed up before the democratic debate in 2019. Also, Joe Biden’s wife – Jill had in 2019 told Kamala Harris that she can “go f*ck herself”. We could comfortably assume the devastating relationship between the President and VP of the US.

Biden, after choosing Harris as his running mate has declared her to be the future of the Democrats. However, he is showing signs to have changed his mind and is on a spree to get her out of office.
Read More: Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” becomes a reality in Biden’s America
Coincidentally, Biden is transferring Harris with issues like the southern border crisis, selling the “American Rescue Plan,” advocating Biden’s infrastructure package, representing women in the workforce, highlighting the Black maternal mortality rate, assisting small businesses, assessing water policy, promoting racial equity, combating vaccine hesitancy.
Harris’s inexperience in handling such issues coupled with their difficulties is a prime example of how Biden has set her running mate up for failure.
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