Turkey finally realizes seizing the Russian ship was a fatal mistake

Turkey’s relations with the west are a cock and bull tale. Just a few days ago, at Ukraine’s request, Turkey seized a Russian ship named Zhibek Zholy. The ship was transporting 7,000 tonnes of grain from the Russian-occupied port of Berdyansk.

This move emboldened Ukraine. Zelensky started daydreaming that Turkey is finally siding with Kyiv, after a really long haul. So, the Ukrainian Government further asked Turkey to seize three more ships in the same manner. As expected, Turkey’s President, Erdogan, did what he is famous for— a stab in Zelensky’s back.

Zhibek Zholy back to Russia

In a big setback for Ukraine, Turkey has now taken a major shift again. Reportedly, the disputed cargo ship  Zhibek Zholy from Ukraine has returned to Russian territorial waters. As per the marinetraffic.com website,  Zhibek Zholy moved at least 20 kilometres (12 miles) away from Turkey’s Black Sea port of Karasu.

Later on, the crew switched off its transponder and disappeared from the website’s view. Zhibek Zholy has been alleged by Ukraine for illegally carrying 7,000 tonnes of disputed grains from Ukrainian ports as the Russia-Ukraine war continues.

You see, Ukraine demanded Turkey to impound the vessel and return the allegedly stolen wheat to Ukraine. Turkey stopped the ship at its port. Later on, Ukraine further demanded Turkey to seize three more ships.

But Turkey, instead, released the ship back to the water. The move got chastised by Ukraine, and immediately Ukraine summoned the Turkish envoy for answers over the Turkish behaviour. But why Turkey did do it? Well, it is possible that wannabe khalifa Erdogan released the ship on purpose to avoid Russia’s discernment.

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Turkey has gone too far

See, Turkey has already gone too far with Russia. Turkey has given a nod to Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO, which has irked Russia as an eastward expansion of NATO poses a security threat to Russia’s territorial integrity.

Furthermore, Turkey is already in a spurt with the Russia-backed Bashar Al-Assad regime in Syria. Make no mistake, annoying Russia further could have led to a full-fledged diplomatic war between Russia and Turkey.

Turkey is already thwarted by Russians in Syria and Iraq making it more difficult for Erdogan to materialise his utopic pan-Islamic dreams. So, Turkey began to act aggressively out of fear of losing, and it eventually captured a Russian ship carrying grain.

But as soon as Russia hinted that consequences would be dire, Erdogan whimpered like a baby and decided to deport the ship back to the waters. So, it is quite safe to conclude that Erdogan did a course correction knowingly.

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Turkey tried to thwart Russia in a bid to show its strength.  But, Erdogan knows that to continue his dominance on a global scale and especially in regions of Syria, it needs Russia. So, this sudden release and denial of investigating the matter is just a mere course correction after a fatal mistake.

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