Emerald Energy: One of the most manipulative players in the international order has set its eyes on Colombia.
But China never thought that its entry would trigger sever backlash and abductions in the nation.
As on March 2nd, violent protests erupted in Colombia against Emerald Energy, a Chinese-state-owned company. Over 4,000 people participated.
79 police officers and nine Emerald Energy employees were held hostage by the demonstrators. The protestors demanded that the Chinese firm help rebuild the region’s roads and pay compensation for environmental harm to the surrounding area. One police officer and a civilian were killed during the protests.

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Petro also announced that he will hold a dialogue with the protestors regarding their concerns and grievances.
What is happening in Colombia against China is not an isolated incident. In fact, many countries have witnessed backlash and local violence against the presence of these notorious Chinese companies.
China has a history of corrupt and brutal industrial operations in other countries. In nations like the Democratic Republic of Congo, China employs bribery in order to establish its monopoly in the mining sector.

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Similarly, traders in Kenya protested against the monopoly created by Chinese businesses which had tremendous adverse repercussions on their businesses.
Therefore, China’s arrival in Colombia will have catastrophic consequences on the economy and socio-political situation. If 4000 people are protesting against something then the issue becomes contentious. It remains to be seen whether Colombia’s government listens to its people or give more priority to its greed for revenue.