The self-centered plans of Hungry have infuriated the United States of America. The U.S. has publicly warned against obstructing Hungry’s goals. Hungary’s dreams of establishing a European NATO and has proposed a strategy to split up and formally dissolve NATO. The unity of NATO is now under a significant cloud of uncertainty and doubt following the conflict in Ukraine. NATO is in danger of disintegrating as a result of escalating tensions and disputes that threaten to test the alliance’s unity.
Biden arm twists Hungary
In several European countries, the call for NATO’s breakup has gained ground, with citizens flocking to the streets to voice their opposition. Amidst this, Hungary has now put up a different strategy to hasten NATO’s demise and forge a new coalition, a European NATO.

Instead of extending the current alliance further east, Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, has advocated for the establishment of a European NATO. Orban said that because the US is entangling Europe in a war it cannot win and risking a world war, Europe needs its own independent military bloc.
Read More: A New NATO? Sounds like a good plan to Hungary and France may approve it
The US has made an effort to alert Hungary after noticing its actions. For the first time since the start, of the conflict, the United States has explicitly warned its NATO ally against siding with Russia. The U.S. envoy to Hungary has stated in a statement that it is time for Hungary to forge strong ties with its transatlantic friends in response to Hungary’s antiquities and Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s most recent remarks labeling the U.S. as a problem. David Pressman has urged Hungary to change its course and turn away from Russia.

“Hungry has reached an important moment in determining its future path. While Russia’s unjustified war rages next door, the time has come for a closer relationship to develop between Hungary and its transatlantic allies and partners”, said David Pressman.
Read More: Biden oversees the breakup of EU with crushing sanctions on Hungary and Poland
Also, there are rumors that the US intends to deploy Samantha Power to Hungary. To this point, Budapest has taken notice of Power, who is well known for her vehement criticism of Hungary over democracy and human rights.

Many are suspicious of the US’s motives, fearing that her visit could be an indication of future intimidation or coercion, similar to what is happening in Georgia right now.