Canada military exports to Saudi: A frightening truth in geopolitics has recently come to light. Canada’s unwavering pursuit of its own interests has caused it to provide arms to Saudi Arabia despite overwhelming proof that the country is sponsoring a terrible conflict in Yemen. But now that the curtain has been pulled back, it is clear what Canada’s real goals are in the region.
The federal Liberal government’s continuous support for Saudi Arabia has come under heavy criticism from the public, but it nevertheless continues. It appears that the Canada continues to allow contentious military exports to Saudi Arabia not out of ignorance or indifference but rather because it sees the weapons as a means to an end, one that entails supporting a heavily armed Middle Eastern proxy for Western nations and keeping oil prices low. This information serves as a sobering reminder that, in the global arena, self-interest frequently takes precedence over morality and ethics.
The nation continues to steadfastly defend this contentious partnership in the face of rising criticism and cries for change. We could wonder why Canada continues to support a government that has been charged with violating human rights and taking part in a bloody conflict in Yemen.
It appears that a complicated web of strategic calculations and self-interest holds the key. Canada is able to support the stability of the world oil market, which is essential to the country’s own economic growth, by providing Saudi Arabia with weaponry. Furthermore, the monarchy offers well-armed proxies for Western countries, acting as a crucial buffer against the alleged concerns of regional instability and Iranian influence.
Inexpensive, dependable energy, fresh markets for Canadian businesses, and a well-armed Western ally!
According to a document obtained by The Breach, these are among the reasons Justin Trudeau’s administration continues to send enormous amounts of armaments to Saudi Arabia.
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An analysis by the government department of Global Affairs Canada argues that Saudi Arabia is the “principal guarantor” of affordable oil for Western countries, as well as an important market for Canadian arms companies, the Breach reported, citing the seven-page document.
The research contrasts with Trudeau’s remarks that he would like to renegotiate a CAN$14.8 billion ($10.8 billion) contract to deliver military vehicles to Saudi Arabia due to worries over the conflict in Yemen and the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trudeau decided to renegotiate the vehicle agreement rather than abandon it in the face of anti-Saudi pressure on Canada’s Liberal administration. He also decided to waive the ban on exporting weapons to the country.
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According to the report by Global Affairs Canada, arming Saudi Arabia helps create a “regional bulwark” against Iran, offering the West a proxy force that lessens the need for significant Western army deployments in the Middle East. According to the document, Saudi Arabia is a “significant security and strategic partner” for Canada, the US, and the UK.
Canada is now the second-largest exporter of military exports to the Middle East thanks to the agreement on armoured vehicles with Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Amnesty International also challenged a claim made in a 2020 study by the Canadian government that there was “no serious risk” that weapons from Canada would be used to violate human rights.
We have been left to speculate about Canada’s objectives for far too long, but we now have responses to these pressing queries. The government’s constant support for the monarchy seems to be the result of a clever calculation that balances the advantages of such assistance against the drawbacks rather than naivety or weakness.