So, Ukraine has Become Unattainable for the US

No country has been more crucial to America’s global dominance than Ukraine, especially after its 1991 independence triggered the USSR’s collapse. This monumental shift halted America’s strategic decline and saved trillions spent during the Cold War, catapulting the U.S. to unmatched global supremacy. However, the U.S.’s exploitation of Ukraine to counter Russia has exposed deep flaws in its foreign policy, eroding global trust and credibility. Will Washington’s hypocrisy in abandoning Ukraine lead to another catastrophic failure? How will this impact America’s alliances and global standing? Can the U.S. salvage its reputation after such a reckless strategy?

No country has played a more pivotal role in restoring America’s global dominance than Ukraine, particularly after it declared independence in 1991. This move catalyzed the collapse of the USSR, halting America’s strategic decline and saving an estimated $13 trillion spent during the Cold War. This resurgence propelled the U.S. to an unparalleled global primacy not seen since the end of WWII, reinforcing the narrative of making America “great again.”

The United States must confront the profound implications Ukraine presents, which extend far beyond the so-called “rules-based international order.” These imperatives are unique in Washington’s foreign policy history. Like leverage in a crashing stock market, they exponentially undermine America’s credibility, erode allies’ trust, and embolden adversaries. Yet, these critical factors remain unaddressed by Congress, any administration, or the media.

Failure to fully grasp these imperatives will result in the U.S. abandoning Ukraine. Such a betrayal would dwarf the ignominy of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the fiascos in Vietnam, and the Middle East. The U.S., paralyzed by governmental gridlock, is effectively sabotaging itself, a self-destructive move unprecedented in history.

Securing Ukraine’s victory was intended as a counterbalance to Russia, enabling the U.S. to focus on China. However, with America’s faltering support, Europe might be compelled to reconcile with or even capitulate to Russia. This failure threatens to unravel decades of strategic planning.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida recently highlighted the potential repercussions in East Asia if America betrays Ukraine. Japan’s independence is largely dictated by U.S. interests, underscored by the American military presence since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Kishida’s warning to the U.S. reflects a broader concern: a betrayal of Ukraine could set a dangerous precedent, signaling to allies and adversaries alike that American commitments are unreliable.

America’s manipulation of Ukraine as a tool against Russia is not only short-sighted but perilous. The U.S. risks significant damage to its global standing, credibility, and influence, undermining the very foundations of its foreign policy.

For generations, Washington has preached about the international order it painstakingly built. Four years ago, candidate Biden warned, “The international system that the United States so carefully constructed is coming apart at the seams.” Yet, there is glaring hypocrisy in this narrative. Washington itself undermined this system by defying the Minsk Accords and attempting to draw Ukraine into NATO.

America’s global reputation, respect, and trust are nearing a catastrophic collapse. The Global South is gaining confidence and shedding its risk aversion. The recent Ukraine aid package is merely a down payment on restoring America’s deterrence credibility. Much more will be required to counteract the disastrous consequences of its dithering and lamentations since igniting Eurasia with the Euromaidan protests.

It is this very ineptitude that emboldened Russia to roll into Ukraine with tanks, teaching a harsh lesson on the perils of trusting America and the folly of warring against one’s neighbor. The six-month paralysis of Congress forebodes doom for the US Military Industrial Complex. A significant portion of Republicans in the House and Senate opposed the Ukraine aid package, signaling a dangerous trend against future support for this manufactured war.


What conclusions have U.S. allies and adversaries drawn from this spectacle? That America will again abandon a nation to ruin? The aid only allows Ukraine to stay afloat and negotiate a “settlement,” effectively putting a price tag on its suffering. In essence, the U.S. declared a war, devastated Ukraine, and left Russia to claim the spoils.

This conflict was supposed to be America’s redemption after the Afghan debacle, but it has become its Waterloo. Using Ukraine as a pawn to antagonize Russia has not only failed but has also exposed the United States’ hollow commitment to its own proclaimed values, leaving its global standing in tatters.

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