Putin makes it clear that there will be no military alliance with the Chinese
China’s hopes for striking a deeper military partnership with Russia looks to have been left in the doldrums. In the ...
China’s hopes for striking a deeper military partnership with Russia looks to have been left in the doldrums. In the ...
Even as the Nagorno Karabakh crisis is raging on, Turkey and Russia stand face to face on Ukraine. This comes ...
Kyrgyzstan’s political crisis is coming towards an end. And as the crisis ends, it is becoming clear that Russia is ...
If a superpower is made by building up meaningful alliances and keeping them, then China is, surely going the wrong ...
A great Sino-Russian power struggle in Central Asia has just started, as Russian President Vladimir Putin is making a clear ...
In a big diplomatic victory for Putin, the Azerbaijan and Armenian sides agreed for a ceasefire in the Nagorno-Karabakh which ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said that although Armenia is part of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the disputed ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin is following a very astute China policy. He is not putting any obstacles before the free ...
China has successfully exported COVID-19 to every single corner of the world. And now, Russia is using the crisis as ...
Pakistan’s grossly Islamist approach is making it a lapdog of the Turkish President and wannabe Khalifa, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Take ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Islamist belligerence has now embarked on a suicidal course. Turkey has been abetting Azerbaijan towards ...
India’s new arch-enemy, Turkey, is now pushing yet another region towards war and devastation. Ankara is now getting involved in ...