It took only a month for Biden to hop in bed with the Taliban

The character of a person is judged by the consistency of his/her words as well as how many times he/she stands true to their statements. In the past few months, with the lack of decisiveness and resoluteness that Joe Biden has shown, it is obvious his words should not be taken at face value. A month ago, the US was still calling the Taliban a terrorist organisation and now for the sake of providing humanitarian assistance, Biden has hopped in bed with the Taliban.

Concerned that sanctions against the Taliban might exacerbate Afghanistan’s ongoing humanitarian catastrophe, the US has taken steps to ease the flow of aid into the economically crippled country. The US Treasury Department announced on Friday that it had issued two general licences, one of which allows the US government, NGOs, and certain international organisations, including the UN, to engage in transactions with the Taliban or the Haqqani Network – both of which are sanctioned – that are required to provide humanitarian aid.

The Biden flip

Joe Biden for the longest time kept people in the dark regarding the situation in Afghanistan and with the fall of Kabul, the image shattered. The second licence allows for specific transactions involving the export and re-export of food, medicine, and other goods. The second licence allows for specific transactions involving the export and re-export of food, medicine, and other goods. 

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has opted to work with the Taliban to help the people of Afghanistan. Washington will continue to cooperate with financial institutions, non-governmental organisations, and international organisations to facilitate the flow of agricultural supplies, medicine, and other resources while maintaining sanctions against the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and others, she said.

Criticism of Biden’s Afghan withdrawal

Recently, a Lieutenant Colonel was sacked after he took to social media to launch a scathing attack on President Joe Biden and military commanders, accusing them of being responsible for the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. Active-duty Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller fired attack after attack on US military and Joe Biden’s administration leaders for their deadly handling of the pullout from Afghanistan in an extraordinary five-minute video broadcast to social media.

Read more: An anti-government wave is sizzling in the US military and Biden must resign if he wants to prevent the collapse of the USA

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller chastised senior figures for allowing an estimated 170 Afghan citizens and 13 US Marines to be killed in a suicide bombing, one of whom was only 20 years old and expecting a child in September, and, for abandoning Afghanistan to the Taliban before questioning key military strategic decisions that have given the Taliban access to over $85 billion in US weapons.

Joe Biden is working with the very people wanting to destroy the US

The Taliban seized control of the country last month as foreign forces allied with the US withdrew from Afghanistan after a 20-year war. The events culminated in the capture of the capital, Kabul, on August 15, two decades after the Taliban was driven from power by a US-led campaign following the September 11 attacks on the United States. Now in the name of providing humanitarian aid, the Biden administration is starting a long cycle of funding the Taliban project in Afghanistan.

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