Africa is rich in resources. The presence of gold, platinum, copper, bauxite, oil, gas, etc makes it one of the most...
After the Ukraine war, Europe is facing an energy crisis like never before. They’re hoping that something would keep their boat...
The airline industry of Africa faces major challenges. Poor record of safety and security, absence of regulation, poor infrastructure, limited connectivity...
Food is indispensable. Nations which are producing it have economic stability, whereas those which are dependent on rich nations for it...
“Cunning fox” is a term used for clever people who use their knowledge combined with smartness to outmaneuver situations for their...
Investing your earnings in a risk-free, steady income-generating tool helps achieve financial goals. Every person should have a plan to achieve...
Thuggee are actions and crimes executed by Thugs, historically, organized gangs of professional robbers. Thug is a term used for professional...
Africa has become a continent that is most sought after when it comes to its resources. This once ignored continent is...
Credit Card Payments Industry: With the rise of digitalised technology and innovations, the Indian payments industry has undergone a sea change...
It a well-known fact that China has dug its claws deep into the African continent and just like a parasite, it...
The West suffers from a psychological condition called ‘Kleptomania’. It’s an uncontrollable urge to steal things you generally do not need....
Inflation is an issue which is affecting every nation right now, every country is grappling with the unprecedented economic and financial...