China made special drones for friend Pakistan. The drones blew up in Pakistan’s face October 16, 2021
Iran is preparing for a war on its border with Azerbaijan. Not against Israel but Turkey October 11, 2021
How a Trump 2.0 could witness Pakistan’s bifurcation that would render China’s BRI completely paralyzed September 18, 2021
A severe clash has broken out between Haqqani and Baradar groups in Taliban and Baradar is reportedly dead September 13, 2021
The Afghanistan invasion and botched up retreat is a western conspiracy to destabilise India and Russia September 7, 2021
Taliban had it coming: Infighting between Taliban and Haqqani network makes Pakistan nervous September 5, 2021
Pakistan has impaled Biden with the Kabul blasts, but Biden still won’t name and shame Pakistan August 28, 2021
Russia’s friend Tajikistan is firing up anti-Taliban forces and humiliating Pakistan while at it August 26, 2021