It’s Putin vs Merkel in Belarus and Lukashenko is rushing to Russia for help after snubbing it for China
As the entire world fights it out with a Communist-Authoritarian China, the European Union and its de facto leader German ...
As the entire world fights it out with a Communist-Authoritarian China, the European Union and its de facto leader German ...
Russia has dealt a telling blow to Xi Jinping’s flagship BRI expansion plans in the Sahel region of West Africa. ...
Russia is playing Turkey like a fiddle. First, Russian-backed Syrian forces slaughtered 33 Turkish troops in Idlib (North-western Syria) and ...
The United States is scaring the living daylights out of China with its plans to deploy Intermediate-range ballistic missiles in ...
It seems that Trump wants to completely ostracize China by the time his first term in the White House ends. ...
India has successfully made a major geostrategic manoeuvre in the Indo-Pacific by effectively roping in Russia in this Initiative. India ...
As India fights Chinese belligerence, its diplomatic interactions with Beijing will become highly competitive, however rare such interactions maybe. New ...
The Libyan war which was getting dominated by Turkey till now is witnessing a turning point. Moscow is turning the ...
While the general perception of China being recklessly expansionist still exists, the fact remains that every belligerent Chinese move has ...
The US Presidential polls slated for November have become the venue of a major geopolitical battle. American rivals/competitors want a ...
With China constantly eating into Russia's sphere of influence, Moscow is not holding back its anger. Russia's official military paper ...
China's grand colonisation plans in Africa have hit a roadblock. Japan, the United States, India and Russia are taking a ...