FDA took 108 days to approve Pfizer vaccine but wants 55 Years to explain how
Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be a boon for American biopharmaceutical companies, and Pfizer is no different. Pfizer recently reported ...
Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be a boon for American biopharmaceutical companies, and Pfizer is no different. Pfizer recently reported ...
France's public health authority has cast aspersions over the efficacy of the Moderna covid vaccine, and has recommended that people ...
Taiwan was being cornered by China in terms of vaccines not very long ago, and the government in Taipei was ...
China’s foreign policy looked really strong as it aggressively employed vaccine diplomacy, however, with the latest development, it seems all ...
China has vaccine-trapped Arab countries like the UAE and Bahrain, and a slew of developing countries. After facing initial setbacks ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing his country towards a severe disaster and throwing himself into big trouble. His ...
Xi Jinping had hoped that Chinese vaccine would help China to dominate the world. But India edged China out. Indian ...
Chinese foreign policy is in tantrums. On the one hand, the developed world is angry, and on the other hand, ...
India’s post-Pandemic diplomacy in its neighbourhood is taking shape. New Delhi is realising the threat of China’s growing ambitions in ...