On Day zero of Biden, India-Japan and France launch a parallel Quad like body to counter China January 20, 2021
Israelis are now racing sports cars in Saudi Arabia. The world that Trump gave us, but Biden can snatch from us January 20, 2021
Obama and the American Big Tech have an old history of Collusion, Biden is simply using it to his advantage January 19, 2021
Biden wanted a stick to beat Putin with, Capitol riots have given him just the perfect opportunity January 19, 2021
Funny: Biden pitches former Google and Amazon executives to investigate the crimes of Big Tech firms January 19, 2021
First Southeast Asia and now even Latin America welcome China, the effect of a Trumpless world can be seen already January 19, 2021
‘Honour your commitments,’ Thousands of illegal immigrants set out to invade the US after Biden promises citizenship to 11 million January 17, 2021
“F*ck the EU,” Joe Biden’s foreign policy pick is horrific news for Europe, contrary to what EU believed January 16, 2021
Netanyahu will go ahead with the annexation of the West Bank regardless of Biden liking or disliking it January 12, 2021
Trump administration is crippling Iran’s wings with “terror designations” against Cuba and Houthi rebels before Biden comes to power January 11, 2021
‘They are cancelling the orders,’ Biden is not even in office yet and Walmart is already dumping American suppliers for China January 11, 2021
Google and Microsoft sponsor Biden’s inauguration: Why American Big Tech prostrates before Democrats January 11, 2021