How Canada amplified global terrorism by manufacturing a crisis in Libya
In the garb of defending human rights and enabling democracy in Libya, Canada waged a war and destroyed the Libyan ...
In the garb of defending human rights and enabling democracy in Libya, Canada waged a war and destroyed the Libyan ...
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has not only turned his country into the 51st American State but has also allowed the ...
With the brashness of an authoritarian, Justin Trudeau is bringing up policies that will end up rich oil dominance of ...
There is no doubt that the World Economic Forum has a big say in shaping the geopolitical system. It is ...
The arrival of the Liberal Government headed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not panned out well for the Canadian ...
Recently, Canada's premiers concluded their two-day conference in Victoria B.C by urging the federal government to "stop communicating through the ...
In 2015, Justin Trudeau’s election strategy was much talked about how it energized youngsters who hadn’t voted before. It resulted ...
Alberta’s conservatives have finally found a way around Justin Trudeau’s dictatorial policies. The solution is the Alberta Sovereignty Act. After ...
Back in 2020, when Canada was hoping to secure a seat for itself in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), ...
In February 2022, Ottawa was flooded by the Freedom Convoy protests. The demonstrators demanded that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ...
Germany seems to realize that winters would be chillier than ever if it doesn’t get the supplies of the Russian ...
A draconian law by Trudeau has made ten Canadian provinces join their hands against the Federal government. The already chastised ...