The Canadian democracy is dying, and it’s Bill Gates strangulating it
Canadians were fooled by the government by forced vaccinations on the pretext of combating the novel coronavirus. But the ulterior ...
Canadians were fooled by the government by forced vaccinations on the pretext of combating the novel coronavirus. But the ulterior ...
Bill Gates, a monopolist billionaire-philanthropist, has been often accused of leading the world into a crisis for his personal gains. ...
Blatant and unapologetic lying isn't something new for Joe Biden and The White House. Even as the USA continues to ...
Bill Gates has a shady track record when it comes to his investments. He is known around the world as ...
What should a military academy do? You will say it’s a dumb question. Everyone knows what a military academy ...
Hong Kong is braving the new wave of covid-19 that is ripping through the city. There has been a sharp ...
Since the pandemic started, the World Health Organization has been rated as redundant by people across all spheres of life. ...
Japan has said a loud and clear no to big pharma companies' vaccination campaigns, with a small yet remarkable move. ...
Biden came to power on the back of many populist promises. However, the most prominent of all his promises was anti-racism. ...