Biden plans to spend $600 billion to ensure a nuclear war breaks out in Europe
Political uncertainty has created a lot of frenzy among the US voters who will go into voting in the upcoming ...
Political uncertainty has created a lot of frenzy among the US voters who will go into voting in the upcoming ...
The early excitement to house Ukrainian refugees across countries has come to an end. They now find themselves in hot ...
What an establishment needs when it gets corrupt and its ideology gets hollow? It needs a change, a breath of ...
Europe gas crisis: A cold war is brewing up between US and Europe. Despite all the camaraderie for the camera, ...
Since the early 2000s, the Balkans have been actively participating in European integration, or as we like to say EU ...
Ukraine drone attack: Ukraine was testing Russia. It assumed Russia can be pushed over. It misunderstood Russia’s soft-stance till now ...
Another African country is receiving the support of the most despised nation in the world, according to the West. But ...
Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron have reconciled by agreeing on the growing concern over unfair competition from the United States ...
Nationalist sentiments have fuelled awareness and dissent among citizens in Eastern Europe where protests are being held in favour of ...
Recently, right leader Giorgia Meloni became the first woman Prime Minister of Italy after a tough competition given by her ...
France isn’t happy with Germany. Germany's opposition to France's efforts to resolve the Ukraine war has outraged the French leadership. ...
The German economy is facing a serious downturn. First, the coronavirus pandemic took a toll, and now the impact of ...